Insecure: Season 3/ Episode 6 “Ready-Like” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Issa at Tiffany's baby shower.

As Issa continues to show growth, and Lawrence remains a nasty ho, Kelli has a real moment like Tiffany did in the last episode. Network HBO Director(s) Liesl Tommy Writer(s) Laura Kittrell Air Date 9/16/2018 Characters Introduced Andrew Alexander Hodge Images and text in this post may contain affiliate links which, if a purchase is…

As Issa continues to show growth, and Lawrence remains a nasty ho, Kelli has a real moment like Tiffany did in the last episode.

Director(s) Liesl Tommy
Writer(s) Laura Kittrell
Air Date 9/16/2018
Characters Introduced
Andrew Alexander Hodge

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Chlymadia Was The Case That They Gave Me: Lawrence

While professionally Lawrence is doing okay, at 32, he is still a ho. To make things worse, he is a dumb ho. I’m talking, he contracted chlamydia kind of ho. Thus leading to him having a wake-up call that he can’t be a ho no more. This ho phase he is having, making him seem a whole season behind where Issa currently is, has to stop.


Lawrence revealing to a girl he had sex with that he has Chlamydia.
Lawrence: Chlamydia

Issa luckily didn’t get anything during her ho phase, but look at Lawrence messing up. Which leads to the question, why is he back? Taking note of Kelli and Tiffany having moments when they are more than comic relief, is he supposed to be the segue to Derek, Chad, and Dro having those moments? Especially Chad who, with him being a bigger ho than Lawrence, without the disease, has been nothing but a comedic relief on this show.

But, setting aside the possibility of growth, I really do feel that Lawrence’s return seems like it can only lead to drama. Even though Nathan is already starting to mess up.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not: Issa, Nathan

With Issa wanting to do a block party, it seems Nathan might be her right-hand man for the experience. Especially after seeing all the paperwork and talking about planning it within a few months. Perhaps leading her to find that music after school program and do something non-profit? After all, Issa isn’t just trying to have a party but launch a business. One which she was going to name Musiqally, because they set up music events quick, but that got trashed by everyone.

However, one thing which didn’t seem to be trash was Nathan. He was talking about defining their relationship, saying all the right things, but then a negro went poof on Issa. Possibly because the dude in Issa’s Lyft, that got his ass whooped, it seems he filed a report. Making it appear Nathan must have outstanding warrants or something for he cuts Issa off and leaves her dazed and confused.


Issa shocked when Nathan is in bed with her and talking about how he is catching feelings.
Issa: I just didn’t know we were allowed to say that shit.

Don’t you hate how people always too good to be true? Especially if the lead is a woman. A Black woman especially. It’s like, they get a few good episodes in of bliss then something turns seriously left. Usually right after a moment which made him seem different too. Because Issa seemed shocked as hell when Nathan really put it out there he was catching feelings. However, it was shocked in a good way because she was feeling him too.

Yet, next thing she knows, after feeling claimed, claiming this man around her friends, he goes ghost on her. And mind you, this is while she is realizing she has moved on from Lawrence. So can you imagine the mind f***? You got closure with Lawrence, rebounded with Daniel, and think you starting over fresh just to end up in some BS you haven’t experienced in a long ass time. Thinking it was something which faded out in your early twenties or teens.

It Be Like That Sometimes: Tiffany, Kelli, Molly, Dro, Candice, Issa, Lawrence

When it comes to Issa and Lawrence having a conversation, as Tiffany’s baby shower, they are cordial. Issa feels that closure from the end of season 2 is firm. She still loves Lawrence but has moved on. As for Lawrence? Well, the cheating thing is the main obstacle from him truly moving on – as seen by his ho phase. As for Molly? Well, Dro is at the party and that doesn’t go well at all. Whatever maturity Lawrence and Issa have? That doesn’t exist in Dro and Molly’s relationship. Especially upon learning Candice, Dro’s often absent wife, is pregnant.

But the highlight of the episode is Kelli having a serious moment like Tiffany did in the last episode. For nearly the same reason too. Kelli has long known Issa and Molly have a thing, so she has kind of clinched to her and Tiffany having a thing. However, with Tiffany curving Kelli’s offer to do a baby shower, which she seemingly would have preferred Issa or Molly to offer doing, and letting some people Issa and co. barely know? It’s a big deal. I’m talking something Kelli can’t just go off about and it be okay thereafter. This is not a situation solved by a cathartic release. She had to leave because you know, thugs don’t shed tears in public.


Kelli feeling curved to learn Tiffany would have loved Issa or Molly to offer to throw her a baby shower but seemingly didn't want Kelli to.
Kelli: But when I asked you, you said you had it handled.

I wonder how Tiffany truly feels about Kelli. Could it be Kelli just came with the Issa and Molly package and Tiffany has just been cordial all this time? Because that’s the vibe I’m getting right now. For Tiffany does seem a bit bothered that Kelli felt a certain type of way, but not enough to call her, text her, or let Kelli’s feelings interrupt her big day. It’s like Kelli was a consolation prize or just someone to have because Molly and Issa would exclude Tiffany.

Which does explain why Tiffany had her moment in the last episode. Not just because the Beyoncé thing went bust but she was waiting for them to show the same commitment she does to their stuff for her. Which isn’t to discount them coming to her birthday party in the last season, but there will be many birthdays. Birthing a child? Tiffany may feel that pain once and decide Derek needs a vasectomy. So for them to not volunteer? For Molly and Issa to be ready with the excuses, even with knowing Tiffany would take over? It shows lack of effort and as much as Kelli is in her feelings, I’m sure Tiffany is in hers too. Making you wonder if they may further explore who Kelli is, when she isn’t a hot mess, or if this was just an off day for her?

As for the other stuff that went down? Dro is damn near on Lawrence’s level and seems like someone this show needs to move on from. Especially with Candice pregnant since now, Molly has 0 reasons to be around that man. Especially with Andrew wanting time and attention. Which, sidebar, I wonder if Molly dating Andrew is a hat tip to the joke, which recently produced controversy, from Issa Rae’s book?

That aside, with both Kelli and Tiffany having their moment, it makes you wonder if Derek, maybe even Chad, may get to be serious. Derek, especially since the only way to define him, is being Mr. Tiffany DuBois. I can barely tell you anything else about him, beyond him wearing glasses, being sort of tall, and light skinned.

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. So are we not going to see Daniel again?
  2. Should we take note of any of the women introduced during Tiffany’s baby shower? Some were actually named and one Lawrence had a nice moment with.


Tiffany as Beyoncé.

  1. Kelli got to have a moment where she wasn’t this big, goofy, vulgar comic relief but had a real moment. To the point she almost shed thug tears.
  2. Tiffany’s baby shower portraits.
  3. Issa talking about starting a business.

On The Fence

  1. Nathan disappearing on Issa, making it seem this man got outstanding warrants and got to lay low after he gets into any kind of trouble.
  2. Molly’s attitude towards her assistant who is just trying to be friendly as Molly seems to just want to kiss Taurean’s ass.

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