1. I agree that Tosh seems a likely candidate for a breakdown. She is working at being ‘perfect’ to please her mother.

    Yes, that food situation for Tosh is weird. She may be shown to have an eating disorder.

  2. Thinking about it, it still seems weird Wallace gave it away for if it scared off Alex once, it could maybe do so again. Plus, a lot of prop guns have it where, when you pull the trigger, it makes a loud pop noise and blows out smoke. That could buy Wallace time the next time he saw Alex.

  3. You’re right. I’ll edit that.

    Also, I too enjoy the fact they make mental health issues a everybody thing and not just outcast, nerds, and people like that. For even Tosh seems like she is on the very of an anxiety attack sometimes. Not to forget, while she eats, does she eat enough to support herself?

  4. Remember Wallace thinks the gun is a prop gun tossed in the trash by the school’s drama department based on the discussion in the last episode at the trash bin. So he gives the gun to Eric because it is useless – not a real gun and was only used to scare off Alex from bullying him.

    Eric recognized the gun as the one shown to him by Tosh’s father and tried to tell Tosh. But she was in her feelings and did not let him talk.

    I am so mad at Eric’s father for pressuring him to be a football star especially after Eric had what sounds like a severe concussion. The father wants Eric to live the life that he failed to achieve in his own football glory days.

    Actually, I appreciate Five Points showing that jocks like Eric also suffer from depression not only nerds like Wallace who is being bullied or Lexi who is an outsider.

    They cover a lot of socially relevant topics in these very short episodes.

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