Daybreak: Season 1, Episode 1 “Josh vs. the Apocalypse: Part 1” [Series Premiere] – Recap, Review (with Spoilers)

Title Card - Daybreak Season 1, Episode 1 Josh vs. the Apocalypse Part 1

Combine Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, a lead who reminds you of Ferris Bueller and your generic YA dystopian novel, and you get Daybreak.

Combine Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, a lead who reminds you of Ferris Bueller and your generic YA dystopian novel, and you get Daybreak.

Creator(s) Aron Eli Coleite, Brad Peyton
Director(s) Brad Peyton
Writer(s) Aron Eli Coleite, Brad Peyton
Air Date 10/24/2019
Genre(s) Young Adult, Comedy, Action
Good If You Like
  • Shows Strictly Starring Teenagers
  • Outcast Lead
  • Post-Apocalyptic Worlds
Introduced This Episode
Josh Colin Ford
Sam Sophie Simnett
Turbo Bro Jock Cody Kearsley

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Plot Overview/ Review

It has been 6 months since the bombs dropped, assumingly due to a handful of tweets, and now many of those over 18 are damn near zombies. As for those under 18? Well, it seems many have embraced the apocalypse and have separated themselves by clubs or interest. All except for Josh, who is a bit of a loner. Probably because he just came to Glendale High, was a C student, Canadian, and seemingly only hanged with one person: Sam. The girl of his dreams, who we’re told liked him back.

However, since the bombs dropped, they have been separated, and Josh has survived alone. But, upon thinking he has a lead, it seems he will make his presence known and finally find himself with allies. Not always wanted allies, but allies nonetheless.

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Even if the bomb was a biological weapon, considering the mushroom cloud and the blast radius, shouldn’t more of these kids look like they experienced some form of radiation or burnt skin?


Josh and Sam Are Likable

It seems only right for Matthew Broderick to be in this show since Josh has a strong Ferris Bueller vibe to him. Someone who knows how to jokingly break the fourth wall, use sarcasm, but not enough to come off like an ass, and who ultimately you wouldn’t mind being friends with. Then, when you add in Sam, whose whereabouts are unknown as of episode 1, you get a character who you fall for quick enough that watching Josh search an entire season for her, in 10 episodes, which are nearly an hour, doesn’t seem so bad.

On The Fence

There Are Certain Elements To This Which May Turn People Off

When it comes to the comedy of this show, I can’t say it is for everyone. It has a myriad of eccentric personalities, has groups like the Disciples of Kardashia, who we haven’t met, alongside what might be the Revenge of the Nerds inspired golf team. Now, homage or not, there is something about the dialog. I can’t say whether it is because it tries to sound hip, or because it just sounds foreign to me, but at times I do feel the need to cringe.

However, I’d say the comedic appeal often comes from those cringey moments. Though between a foul-mouthed 10-year-old, the golf team capturing her, with plans to do who knows what, and the way Turbo Bro Jock runs his group of Mad Max inspired teens? I would understand if some rolled their eyes to the point of not wanting to see more.

Tubro Bro Jock (Cody Kearsley) who leads the different sports teams under one gang.
Tubro Bro Jock (Cody Kearsley)

It’s Not Clear Yet Whether This Could Have Just Been A Movie

Which leads to what the biggest issue of the show might be: Could this have just been a movie? Again, we’re only in episode one, but even with that, you can already see so much which could have been cut to make this a succinct story. And while we do love Sam and Josh, there comes the question of whether Josh’s shtick will get old.

Never mind whether these different tribes, upon meeting them, will draw any form of interest. Especially long term. For while the golfers were comical, with their generic names, while good for a one-time gag, I can’t say they, or the more muscular jocks, can maintain a comedic appeal through 6 – 7 more hours.


First Impression: Mixed (Stick Around)

Daybreak is the kind of show which will live or die based off the taste of subscribers and how fervent it can get its fans. Which is said due to this show seemingly not made for everyone, and with that, there is a need to question if it is more so made for a niche. For when you combine a 4th wall breaking lead chasing after a girl he loves, a post-apocalyptic world with adults who are borderline mindless, and the kids going bonkers without the limitations of the society we take advantage of, you could argue we’re getting more of the same. Maybe not what we’re used to getting all in one package, but perhaps too many familiar elements in one shot.

Hence the mixed label. Though we plan on continuing, I could understand why many would end their time with this show after the first episode.

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It’s Not Clear Yet Whether This Could Have Just Been A Movie - 74%
There Are Certain Elements To This Which May Turn People Off - 75%
Josh and Sam Are Likable - 90%


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