Rolling Into Christmas (2022) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)

Title card for BET Plus' 'Rolling Into Christmas'

While the early part of “Rolling Into Christmas” is high quality, as relationship drama comes into play, things go downhill fast.

While the early part of “Rolling Into Christmas” is high quality, as relationship drama comes into play, things go downhill fast.

Director(s) Trey Haley
Screenplay By Gregory R. Anderson
Based On N/A
Date Released (BET Plus) 12/1/2022
Genre(s) Comedy, Romance, Young Adult, Holiday
Duration 1 Hour and 35 Minutes
Content Rating TV-14
Noted Cast
Deja (Present) Rhyon Nicole Brown
Deja (Back In The Day) Laila Pruitt
Ian (Present) Donny Carrington
Ian (Back In The Day) Tyler Richardson
Celeste Brandee Evans
Joe Gary Dourdan
CC (Present) Jazmine Robinson
Pierce Sean Poolman
Grams Linda Boston
Leilani Danielle Hawkins

This content contains pertinent spoilers. Also, images and text in this post may contain affiliate links which, if a purchase is made from those sites, we may earn money or products from the company.

Film Summary

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”xfF7TejB” upload-date=”2022-12-10T20:51:09.000Z” name=”Rolling Into Christmas Video Review” description=”While the early part of “Rolling Into Christmas” is high quality, as relationship drama comes into play, things go downhill fast.” player-type=”static”]

It was 15 years ago when Deja’s mom, Celeste, died. From then on, she lived with her dad Joe, who worked for the military, and bounced from base to base around the world. Because of his work, Deja barely kept in contact with her grandmother, and mainly through social media and modern tech, she kept in contact with her little cousin CC. But, the big loss for her, aside from her mom, was losing Ian, who was posed to be her first boyfriend.

Now, in the present day, Deja is dating Pierce and has fully embraced being a nomad, and as for Ian? He still skates where Celeste taught everyone and is pulled between his social media work and being an accountant at his dad’s firm. But, after being separated for so long, Grams having a minor heart attack brings Deja back, and despite both Deja and Ian having some kind of relationship, their old chemistry lights things up. Leaving viewers to wonder if they may end up back together by Christmas and pick up where they left off.

Things To Note

Why Is “Rolling Into Christmas” Rated TV-14

  • Dialog: Some suggestive dialog, mainly from CC and Leilani
  • Violence: Threats of violence, but no actual violence
  • Sexual Content: N/A
  • Miscellaneous: People drinking

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Why CC’s parents abandon her?

Character Descriptions

Please Note: This character guide is not an exhaustive list of every cast member, and character descriptions may contain what can be considered spoilers.

Deja (Present)

Deja - Present (Rhyon Nicole Brown) on the phone
“Deja – Present (Rhyon Nicole Brown) on the phone,” Rolling Into Christmas, directed by Trey Haley, 2022, (BET Plus)

A blogger turned travel influencer to travel mogul in the making, Deja made her dad and her traveling the world, and her becoming a polyglot in the process, into a successful business. One which allows Deja to be a nomad and fill up her passport throughout the year.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Lauren Dupont in “Our Kind of People,” Foster in “A Christmas Stray,” and Maya in “Empire”

Deja (Back In The Day)

Deja - Back In The Day (Laila Pruitt) getting asked out by Ian
“Deja – Back In The Day (Laila Pruitt) getting asked out by Ian,” Rolling Into Christmas, directed by Trey Haley, 2022, (BET Plus)

Before traveling the world with Joe, Deja lived with her mom, adored her little cousin and grandma, and had a puppy love situation with Ian anyone with eyes could see the potential of blossoming into something more.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Nicole in “BMF”

Ian (Present)

Ian - Present (Donny Carrington)
“Ian – Present (Donny Carrington) ,” Rolling Into Christmas, directed by Trey Haley, 2022, (BET Plus)

An accountant with a successful social media page about his skating hobby, Ian is trying to handle his responsibilities as a man while not lose the joy that Celeste taught him when he was a kid.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Red in “All The Queen’s Men”

Ian (Back In The Day)

Ian - Back In The Day (Tyler Richardson) at the skating rink with Deja
“Ian – Back In The Day (Tyler Richardson) at the skating rink with Deja,” Rolling Into Christmas, directed by Trey Haley, 2022, (BET Plus)

With Ian’s parents often busy, he became a fixture in Deja’s household, and while Deja was never the type to just let him take the lead, he did take the lead in asking her out.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Edward in “Genius”


A photo for Celeste's (Brandee Evans) memorial
“A photo for Celeste’s (Brandee Evans) memorial,” Rolling Into Christmas, directed by Trey Haley, 2022, (BET Plus)

Celeste is Deja’s mom, a social worker, and a volunteer skate instructor, and she seemingly helped the local skating ring stay within its budget.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Mercedes in “P-Valley,” Sage in “The Family Business”


Joe (Gary Dordan) embracing his daughter
“Joe (Gary Dordan) embracing his daughter,” Rolling Into Christmas, directed by Trey Haley, 2022, (BET Plus)

Joe is Deja’s military dad, whom she kept in contact with, but it isn’t until Celeste’s passing that he becomes an active parent.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Dr. Malcolm Reynard in “First Wives Club”

CC (Present)

CC - Present (Jazmine Robinson) crying about her grandmother being sick
“CC – Present (Jazmine Robinson) crying about her grandmother being sick,” Rolling Into Christmas, directed by Trey Haley, 2022, (BET Plus)

CC is the DJ at the skating rink, who is still very close to Grams, who raised her, and Deja, who complete the only two people she knows, or claims, as her active family.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Young Charity in “Greenleaf”


Joe (Gary Dourdan) talking to Deja
“Joe (Gary Dourdan) talking to Deja,” Rolling Into Christmas, directed by Trey Haley, 2022, (BET Plus)

Pierce is Deja’s boyfriend, who is rich but insecure.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Paris Johnson in “Sistas”


Grams (Linda Boston) in a hospital bed
“Grams (Linda Boston) in a hospital bed,” Rolling Into Christmas, directed by Trey Haley, 2022, (BET Plus)

Grams is CC’s maternal figure, due to her parents abandoning her, and the reason Deja comes back home 15 years after her mother’s death.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Jody in “The Oval”


Leilani (Danielle Hawkins) showing her jealous side
“Leilani (Danielle Hawkins) showing her jealous side,” Rolling Into Christmas, directed by Trey Haley, 2022, (BET Plus)

Leilani is present day’s Ian’s special friend, who he seems to mess around with and collaborate with at the skating rink, but doesn’t have a clearly defined relationship with.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Cheerleader in “Olivia Rodrigo: Good 4 U”


Our Rating: Mixed (Divisive)


Everything Was Going Good Until The Relationship Drama

When “Rolling Into Christmas” was focused on Deja reconnecting with her family, dealing with the trauma of losing her mom, or CC’s fears of what could happen to Grams, who raised her like she was her own, the film was top-notch. I was in my emotions, tearing up a little, and ready for a wild ride. However, all of that depth is pushed aside as Deja finds herself in relationship drama between Ian, Pierce, and Leilani.

Low Points

Leilani and Pierce’s Insecurities Ruining The Movie

Like most characters who are made to be obstacles to the potential relationship the leads can have, Leilani and Pierce are characters written for you to hate. There is no nuance, no layers, and there is very little in the way of responsibility put onto the leads in terms of inspiring the would-be villains’ actions. Instead, their insecurities and jealousy are damned while we watch the leads skirt around outright cheating.

On The Fence

Deja and Ian A Cuter Couple As Teens Than As Adults

“Rolling Into Christmas” suffers the same problem a lot of 90s and early 00s movies have in terms of allowing you to invest a little too much into the younger versions of the lead. Thus, when the time jump happens, there is a rough transition period to transfer you shipping the younger version of the characters over to the ones you are expected to spend the rest of the movie with. Now, why is that such a problem for “Rolling Into Christmas?” Well, there is nothing cute about Ian and Deja in the present day. They are different people, and while you can see some reminders of their former dynamic, it just isn’t the same.

Add in they are in very different places in life, and it makes the nostalgia seem like a lazy way to justify them rekindling and the expectation for you to root for them.

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Title card for BET Plus' 'Rolling Into Christmas'
Rolling Into Christmas (2022) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)
“Rolling Into Christmas” ruins all it could have been through giving us the kind of romantic drama too many Christmas movies pursue where you aren’t sure if what you are seeing is cheating or not, and because the leads are unhappy, it seems you are supposed to write it off.
Community Rating0 Votes
Everything Was Going Good Until The Relationship Drama
Deja and Ian A Cuter Couple As Teens Than As Adults
Leilani and Pierce’s Insecurities Ruining The Movie

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