Mary Poppins Returns – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

Mary Poppins Returns may not have the same magic of the original, but every bit of effort is made to escape its shadow. Such as a highly sarcastic Mary Poppins.

Mary Poppins Returns Ending (Spoilers)

Title Card Mary Poppins Returns

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Being that Mary Poppins knows all and sees all, she takes Michael’s briefcase to coerce having herself, and the children, go to the bank where he works – as a teller. It is there the kids wander off, in hopes of convincing Mr. Wilkins to not take their house. However, driven by the need of profit, the kids learn that despite how kind Mr. Wilkins is to Michael’s face, especially because of his father, he has no real intention of helping him. In fact, he rips the page out of the book noting Michael’s father left him stocks in the bank and a healthy sum of money.

Luckily though, between Jack and the lantern lighters pushing Big Ben’s clock 5 minutes, Georgie discovering the stock certificate, and Mr. Dawes Jr., ousting his nephew, the Banks ultimately don’t lose the house. They do, however, lose Mary Poppins, who doesn’t even say goodbye this time.

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