Dinner at My Place (2022) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)

Title Card for Dinner at My Place

While the romance between the two leads is notable, the hijinks the character Bisi, played by Bisola Aiyeola goes through and exhibits, steals “Dinner at My Place.”

While the romance between the two leads is notable, the hijinks the character Bisi, played by Bisola Aiyeola goes through and exhibits, steals “Dinner at My Place.”

Director(s) Kevin Apaa
Screenplay By Kevin Apaa
Based On N/A
Date Released (Netflix) 11/11/2022
Genre(s) Comedy, Romance
Duration 1 Hour 42 Minutes
Content Rating Rated TV-14
Noted Cast
Nonso Timini Egbuson
Chioma Sophie Alakija
Cynthia Uche Nwaefuna
Jay Charles Etubiebi
Bisi Bisola Aiyeola

This content contains pertinent spoilers. Also, images and text in this post may contain affiliate links which, if a purchase is made from those sites, we may earn money or products from the company.

Film Summary

After two years of dating, Nonso has decided to propose to Chioma. She was there for him when his mother died and has been the perfect partner. So, he gets her best friend, Cynthia, and his best friend, Jay, involved in planning a perfect night. One that gets crashed by his ex, Bisi, who he was with for five years, and isn’t too pleased that Chioma is getting everything she thinks she deserved.

Things To Note

Why Is “Dinner at My Place ” Rated TV-14

  • Dialog: The use of the word s*** multiple times, mostly for comedic effect
  • Violence: Bisi gets into some comical fights
  • Sexual Content: While you will see some in their undergarments or a bikini, it’s nothing sexual
  • Miscellaneous: Some drinking

Character Descriptions

Please Note: This character guide is not an exhaustive list of every cast member, and character descriptions may contain what can be considered spoilers.


Nonso appears to come from a fairly wealthy family, and after his mother’s death and two years with Chioma, he is now thinking seriously about marriage and building a family.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Ayo in “Meeting Funmi’s Parents” and Abel in “Hey You!”


Chioma is Nonso’s girlfriend of two years who isn’t sweating when Nonso proposes but would like him to. But, considering how happy she is, just being in a committed relationship with a good man is fine with her for now.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Tina in “Meeting Funmi’s Parents,” and Tina in “Treasure” and Tina in “Love Tangled”


Cynthia (Uche Nwaefuna) teasing Chioma as she gets ready for her date with Nonso
“Cynthia (Uche Nwaefuna) teasing Chioma as she gets ready for her date with Nonso,” Dinner at My Place, directed by Kevin Apaa, 2022, (Netflix)

Cynthia is Chioma’s single best friend, wanting to mingle, but apparently has a problem with getting back or flirting with the idea of getting back with her ex.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Nenrot in “Hide ‘N’ Seek”


Jay (Charles Etubiebi) learning Nonso is ready for marriage
“Jay (Charles Etubiebi) learning Nonso is ready for marriage,” Dinner at My Place, directed by Kevin Apaa, 2022, (Netflix)

Jay is Nonso’s best friend who has an interest in Cynthia but freezes up a bit around her.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Andrew in “Ojukokoro: Greed”


Bisi is Nonso’s ex, who he dated for five years, but her lack of support when his mom died ended their relationship.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Mausi in “Introducing the Kujus” and Ngozi in “Payday”


Our Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)


It Becomes Ridiculous In The Best Way

Bisi (Bisola Aiyeola) showing up at Nonso's home unannounced
“Bisi (Bisola Aiyeola) showing up at Nonso’s home unannounced,” Dinner at My Place, directed by Kevin Apaa, 2022, (Netflix)

Bisi is a scene-stealing character. Her interactions with Nonso, before and after she believes she swallowed his engagement ring, is pure comedy. And as someone who doesn’t laugh that often when watching scripted or live stand-up, let me be clear, Bisola Aiyeola will make you laugh. Granted, it will be because of how ridiculous things get as she hopes to cash in on that ring to make up for her feeling like Nonso wasted her time. But, the situations Apaa put her through and how she plays it out will make you audibly laugh at least once.

On The Fence

While Nonso and Chioma Are Cute, Bisi’s Antics Eclipses Them

The problem with Bisi being so funny is that it eclipses Nonso and Chioma. They’re cute and all, but you don’t get to know them well enough to get butterflies or anything like that. Chioma is sweet and clearly not a gold digger like Nonso. As for Nonso, he seems nice and all and perhaps has money, but between knowing very little about them and being kept on a need-to-know basis about their relationship, it makes the romance part of this romantic comedy weak.

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