Dance For Me (2023) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)

Title Card for Dance For Me (2023)

“Dance For Me” delivers what is expected from a crazy light-skinned ex, a new guy with potential, and many sad childhoods that should have led many to a therapist’s chair.

“Dance For Me” delivers what is expected from a crazy light-skinned ex, a new guy with potential, and many sad childhoods that should have led many to a therapist’s chair.

Director(s) Damian Romay, Chaz Echols
Screenplay By Chaz Echols
Date Released (BET Plus) March 30, 2023
Genre(s) Crime, Drama, Romance
Duration 1 Hour 32 Minutes
Content Rating Rated TV-MA
Noted Cast
Isis Kearia Schroeder
Seth Jeremy Meeks
Osiris Gavin Houston
Mike Douglas Pioneer Lacy
Detective Moreland Dave MacDonald

This content contains pertinent spoilers.

Film Summary

Isis has a lot on her plate. She has a son who, thankfully, is school-age but still very dependent on her. Alongside him, she has to worry about her father, who has limited mobility after a vehicular accident. Her mother is dead, and the father of her son is someone she tries to limit her interactions with. So, with a complicated schedule, being an exotic dancer fits her availability.

Unfortunately, that is also where Seth frequents, and he is always trying to coerce her into a “Hustlers” like scenario of seducing, drugging, and robbing men. But, with the introduction of Osiris, a local community organizer running for a State Representative office, things might be turning around for Isis. That is, assuming Seth doesn’t decide to blow up Isis’ life.

Why Is “Dance For Me” Rated TV-MA

  • Dialog: There is cursing scattered throughout
  • Violence: Gun violence, fighting, blood, slight gashes, and open wounds, and people get drugged and robbed
  • Sexual Content: Implied sex and scantily clad actors
  • Miscellaneous: Smoking and drinking

Character Descriptions

Please Note: This character guide is not an exhaustive list of every cast member, and character descriptions may contain what can be considered spoilers.


Isis is a headliner at the Foxy Lady, the club she works at, and for Seth, she is all his and the key to his lucrative seduce, drug, and rob business. But, while Isis, at one time, was willing to go along with Seth and his plans, things are different now. Her dad isn’t mobile, her son is in school, and she wants to get to painting as her main source of income.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Julie in “Not Another Church Movie” and Nefertiti in “The Family Business.”


Seth (Jeremy Meeks)
“Seth (Jeremy Meeks),” Dance For Me, directed by Damian Romay, Chaz Echols, 2023, (BET+)

Seth lost his mom and dad to drugs and gun violence at a young age, and rather than that leading to him cleaning up his life, he doubled down. He got involved with sketchy people, he uses others to rob and extort, and while Detective Moreland is on his case, Seth has circumvented him for quite a while.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Saleem in “True To The Game 2” and “True To The Game 3”


Osiris is running for a State Representative office and is a local community organizer.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Ethan in “Safeword” and Jeffrey Harrington and Jeffrey Hunter in “The Haves and the Have Nots.”


Mike (Douglas Pioneer Lacy)
“Mike (Douglas Pioneer Lacy),” Dance For Me, directed by Damian Romay, Chaz Echols, 2023, (BET+)

Mike is Seth’s cousin, who he was raised with like a brother. Hence him usually involved with Seth’s plans.

Detective Moreland

Detective Moreland (Dave MacDonald)
“Detective Moreland (Dave MacDonald),” Dance For Me, directed by Damian Romay, Chaz Echols, 2023, (BET+)

Detective Moreland is a local cop investigating the death of a powerful man who has interacted with Isis.

  • You May Also Know The Actor From Being: Nadab in “The Forfeiture Clause” and Connor McVeigh in “Ozark”


Our Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)


Jeremy Meeks

From the “True To The Game” franchise to this, Meeks has provided himself to be a formidable gangster. He can take a hit, his threats of violence come off credible, and while his role as Seth includes a level of insecurity that undercuts him a bit, there is no denying Meeks has found his niche.

Not Your Usual Stripper With A Heart Of Gold

Isis (Kearia Schroeder) backstage
“Isis (Kearia Schroeder),” Dance For Me, directed by Damian Romay, Chaz Echols, 2023, (BET+)

Yes, Isis is a stripper who only is in the profession due to straining circumstances. However, she isn’t pushed to be this innocent person who is purely a victim of circumstances. She is allowed to be flawed, virtuous in some cases, but also horny and desiring of love. Also, while a mother and taking care of her dad, the film doesn’t double down on the reasons you should be sympathetic. It makes that part of Isis’ story rather than her whole story. Ultimately giving you a well-rounded character who defies how most exotic dancers are written.

Osiris and Isis Make A Cute Couple

Osiris (Gavin Houston) offering flowers for Isis' mother's grave
“Osiris (Gavin Houston),” Dance For Me, directed by Damian Romay, Chaz Echols, 2023, (BET+)

“Dance For Me” is the type of film where it could make a perfect romance film if you removed the crime element. A woman dealing with the world’s weight on her shoulders and a man who gets it. Not just because he is a good guy but because Osiris grew up with dancers for aunts, and as put together as he is, that doesn’t mean he sees himself as better than anyone.

Mind you, this isn’t to imply he is written to pander, but like Isis, he is allowed to be well-rounded, and the combination creates an awe-inspiring couple. The kind you wish were removed from all that Seth brings to “Dance For Me.”

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Ending Spoilers

Title Card for Dance For Me (2023)
“Title Card for Dance For Me (2023),” Dance For Me, directed by Damian Romay, Chaz Echols, 2023, (BET+)

Below is a summary of how “Dance For Me” (2023) ended and whether a prequel or sequel is possible.

How Did It End?

After Seth tries to extort Osiris for millions of dollars from his campaign fund, via a sex tape he coerced Isis to make, he gets his just due. Isis makes sure both her father and the son she shares with Seth are away from Seth’s reach, and Mike, Seth’s cousin, gives her a gun. One that helps even the odds as it seems Seth isn’t just looking to extort Osiris but murder him to keep him from Isis and Adam.

But, the three get into a tussle, and Seth ends up on the losing end and, with Detective Moreland outside the bank that formerly was the project building Seth’s parents died in, he quickly arrests him. Then, days or weeks later, Isis is offered a deal at her father’s funeral, where, if she testifies, charges against her will be dropped. Now, whether or not the other ladies of Foxy Lady got the same deal is hard to say. But, what is known is, despite the scandal, Osiris wins his election, and Isis gets to live her dream of having rich people gawk and buy her artwork.

Is There Sequel/ Prequel Potential?

A prequel likely would be more interesting than a sequel, from seeing Seth’s upbringing with an addict for a mom and a hustler of a dad to Mike navigating his sexuality in an environment that didn’t allow freedom of expression.

Title Card for Dance For Me (2023)
Dance For Me (2023) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)
“Dance For Me” meets expectations in some areas and surpasses them mildly in others. Ultimately making for an enjoyable watch and maintaining the standard for what we expect from BET+.
Jeremy Meeks
Not Your Usual Stripper With A Heart Of Gold
Osiris and Isis Make A Cute Couple

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