A shot of glasses, which look like Candace's, broken.


  1. Great review! I initially missed him calling the Penguin guy “Will.” Also, reminding us that Joe sends us his “representative,” even as he narrating his “inner thoughts,” was helpful because I initially thought it was just terrible writing on the show’s part

  2. Here’s the thing about Beck – has it ever occurred to you that your reaction to her was intentional? That you were supposed to regard Beck as shallow and irritating?

    It seemed to me that Joe never really understood who Beck was, despite all his stalking… he wasn’t really attracted to her, he was obsessed with the IDEA of her. He was projecting his immature romantic fantasies onto her, when he wasn’t misreading social-cues due to his psychological problems and arrested development (for all his book learning and affectedly “knowledgeable” demeanour, Joe is a lot less smart and perceptive than he thinks).

    I thought the irritating flaws in Beck you pointed out were designed to illustrate that there is a wide gulf between the way in which Joe’s unbalanced mind sees people and the way they REALLY are.

    I’m rather less impressed by “Love” than you were… I keep thinking that she’s getting attached to him a bit too fast, the coincidences that repeatedly threw them together come across as a bit contrived and there’s something affected about some of her quirky mannerisms… she behaves very much like something out of a cutesy 1980s romantic comedy.

    If it is later revealed that “Love” is actually an unbalanced stalker with her own sinister agenda and this “fun-loving foodie hipster” persona is just a facade then I wouldn’t be surprised… I also wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out “Love” has been employed by Candace as an accomplice to derail Joe’s life in some way…. as it is now, she strikes me as a bit too good to be true.

    1. What “You” desires to push is the idea of how toxic most male leads in the romance genre are. How they paint women to be this thing to achieve, or obtain, like a shiny trophy, and the methods they do so dance on the border between what is considered endearing to creepy. So with Joe’s interest in Beck, I think he romanticized who she was, put on rose-colored glasses, and hyped her up in his mind and we, as viewers, were allowed to see who she truly was. Someone who isn’t particularly interesting on their own, but is involved with people who have notable names, and who have stories worth noting.

      Which is why I’m a little over the moon with Love since she isn’t someone reliant on others to prop her up. Now, mind you, it is but episode 2 so it could be we’re seeing her as Joe indoctrinates us to. However, compared to Beck, and in trying to understand Joe, I can see and understand his attraction to Love more than Beck.

      Though, considering the introduction of his mother, there could be a reason divulged, later on, why he is attracted to women like Beck, and perhaps Love, in relation to the lack of a relationship he currently has with his mother.

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