1. The last time I saw a film about a female teen Chess prodigy was in 2016, with “Queen Of Katwe” – this movie dramatised the rise of real life Ugandan chess prodigy Phiona Mutesi. Adjusting to the rigours of competition takes its emotional toll on Mutesi, who came from an impoverished background to begin with. Nonetheless, Mutesi was a much more psychologically well adjusted person than the fictional Beth Harmon, and “Queen Of Katwe” is a somewhat more life affirming work.

    Beth Harmon has more in common with psychologically disturbed American chess player Bobby Fischer, who was the subject of the 2014 movie “Pawn Sacrifice”. Fischer made headlines during the Cold War as much because of his neurotic personality as his finesse on the board… it’s not a neat fit though, Beth is somewhat more socially savvy and her arrogance is more introverted.

    But yeah, Chess is seldom the subject of movies or TV shows, probably due to its cerebral nature.

    Another potentially interesting point of comparison are the movies “The Hustler” and “The Color Of Money”, about a talented but troubled pool player. Both were based upon novels by Walter Tevis, who also wrote the source material for “The Queen’s Gambit”.

    1. That’s interesting. From what I’ve read, originally this was supposed to be a movie as opposed to a limited series. Which, from what I see, based off looking up and knowing some of the productions you note, isn’t an investment many make.

      Granted, this is Netflix, which sometimes likes throwing darts on the board (which I appreciate – even though I can barely binge watch anything anymore).

  2. Hi Amari! Long time, no post :)! I came here to read your review of The Good Doctor, and found this. So far, I love The Queen’s Gambit! I am actually on Episode 5 now, but I read this anyway because it had been so long since I had read one of your reviews, plus I enjoyed the episode so much I decided to “relive” it. Great review, as usual!! I was also wondering if Alma would become a “Momager” to Beth. And I miss Jolene. (Side note: I could not find the review of the first episode of the fourth season of The Good Doctor. Are you not reviewing or watching it anymore? If not, that’s a shame because you missed an excellent episode Monday!)

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