1. Hi Amari! I know I am so far behind, especially since the series finale (sob!) aired, and I, on the other hand, have just watched this episode. But I recently had to put my Mom in a nursing home, so my whole life is behind right now!

    But enough about me. While I’m guessing it feels like months ago since you watched this episode, I wanted you to know I still read and enjoy your reviews! I tried to give a User Review (5 Stars), but I don’t think I got it to work.

    Anyway, I loved your comments about Charlie! I had forgotten all about her until I read the beginning of your review, and then I thought to myself, ‘That’s right, there was no Charlie. That explains why I enjoyed this episode so much!’ Fingers crossed when Charlie comes back from where ever they had sent her, her annoying storyline doesn’t come back with her!

    1. I will maintain the opinion that Charlie would have been excellent for the penultimate season, but rushing her in the last is what threw people off.

      Also, sad to hear about your mom. Hopefully she is close so you can spend time with her, amongst juggling everything else.

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