Shaun (Freddie Highmore) upset that people expect him to make things easy for Charlie
Shaun (Freddie Highmore) upset that people expect him to make things easy for Charlie


  1. Hi Amari! I’ll start with the easy part of the episode – Alex and Dom. That was a great part of the episode and a storyline with Alex that didn’t make me cringe! Yay!

    Now on to Shaun and Charlie. Charlie annoys the heck out of me and thinks everyone should adjust to her because she has ASD instead of the other way around, which I also find annoying. But on the other hand, I remember when Shaun, Morgan, Jared, and Alex were residents, and there were only a certain numer of slots available. Morgan assessed how much competition each person would be to her, and she said “Shaun is Glassman’s pet, so he’s in.” I remember completely agreeing with that statement. My point is Shaun does not think he had any special accomodations made for him, but Morgan wisely noted Shaun was *definitely* going to make it through simply because Dr. Glassman was the president of the hospital at the time. So yes, his brillance at solving complex medical cases, etc. was noteworthy, but his ASD (and every adjustment the hospital had to do because of it) didn’t matter because of Dr. Glassman. That is an advantage Charlie just does not have and that Shaun fails to see, which I find unfair to Charlie. So as much as I want her to just shut up, to me Shaun is giving her a raw deal that, despite Drs. Han and Melendez, Shaun never really had to face.

    O.k., lecture over.

    1. I would submit Shaun had to make adjustments as well. Dr. Glassman certainly made things easier, and, as shown, he and Dr. Andrews sacrificed their careers for Shaun’s sake. But, between Shaun having to have a better bedside manner, learning time and place, how to speak to nurses (no one got him out of that write up) and more, while Shaun’s had a safety net, he definitely tripped in the holes of it.

      With Charlie, I’m still so torn about what to think. Shaun is easy to paint as a villain here because he went through a lot to get here, and even if Dr. Glassman made things easier, he couldn’t stop people from saying what they did, reassigning Shaun, and the push that he didn’t belong. And considering Shaun’s life before Dr. Glassman, even if he is confident and reassured now, who knows how much he has processed all his childhood trauma.

      That aside, I think Shaun is putting Charlie through what he did more so to build her up, by toughening her up, than simply because he doesn’t want her to have it easy because he had detractors. I mean, it’s like I said, Shaun has it made at the hospital, and that took multiple people (Glassman, Andrews, and Han) either quitting or getting fired for him to get there. Then Shaun being made into a highlight of the hospital by the last administration, and now having medical journal entries, and he is barely into his 30s.

      Charlie is not going to have an easy time, and while ASD explains why she thinks and acts differently, Shaun knows it isn’t going to lead to people changing or even a culture. So her bringing up the law and having some sense of entitlement is only going to make her career harder.

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