1. This review is like a dumb punch to the brain. While the CGI during the fights is awkward at best and the storyline and acting are just ok (Conor McGregor is bad). Some of the reviewer’s comments make my head want to explode. From his low points: “This is after Dalton is hired to be a bar bouncer after Frankie never sees him fight, and there is no explanation why Dalton decides to work there after rejecting the initial offer.” 1. Frankie doesn’t need to see him fight. She sees that the other guy refuses to fight him out of fear and I’m pretty sure a 10 second google search on her phone could show her his UFC highlights. 2. Dalton’s only real possession is his car, which is destroyed by a train when he contemplates suicide. Once his car is destroyed, he obviously takes the job because he desperately needs the money. 20,000 for one month of work. Movies don’t need to spell everything out and hold your hand while you watch them.

  2. Austin’s review is childish at best. Road House 2024 is a different story compared to the old one with Patrick Swayze. The acting was very good and the action was great. The storyline was very good too. You can compare these two movies. It just doesn’t fit………

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