1. I didn’t much like the first episode given I left it knowing not a single character (that hadn’t just died) and because I had no reason to care about why they were fighting. I kept watching hoping that over the next few episodes I’d get to know the cast and their motives and the reason behind the tournament… but, well we’re now finished the series and I never did find a reason to care about anything in this show. It is a shame because this was one of a few titles I actually did have some hopes for and is another fine example of why going into a show blind and not watching promotional videos is probably a good idea.

    1. I’m really at the point of wondering, what is a gory action anime? Gory horror, I’ve seen your list and agree with quite a few of them. As for gory action? I can’t recall anything which wasn’t reliant on trying to be freaky or weird more than story driven.

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