1. I don’t know how well you know people on the spectrum, but in my experience with people on the spectrum, the things you are shocked are “new” to Sam aren’t that shocking. Because of the combination of Sam’s literal nature, conflicting messages we all get through puberty, his lack of understanding of social cues, his strict need for rules and structure, and his difficulty in approaching a situation from a point of view other than his highlights that variations on situations neurotypical people find familiar, feel like brand new situations to people on the spectrum.

    Sure he may have been told not to call people skanks, but do those rules apply when it is in the course of research. He can’t understand why the girl would take it as an insult, because he is collecting data, and he is using it to mean promiscuous. Which she has shown publically that she is. In Sam’s mind, it should be no more.offensive in this context than asking someone why they chose to wear a blue sweater today.

    I am sure he has thought about dating a lot. But without having permission or the skillset taught to him, he wouldn’t have broached the subject with mum or sis. He has spent his life.being told of the limits and differences he should expect in life because of his condition, it really does take getting the green light from.his therapist.to open the possibility. You see in episode 1 the resistance from mum and even sis to the idea. He wouldn’t have felt confident overcoming that resistance to start a discussion on dating without the permission from an expert.

    I hope.you don’t find this critical. I am really just trying to give my take on what I think the writers were.trying for

    1. I don’t feel it is critical in the slightest. As a linked to article notes, Atypical is not a complete representation of what it is like to be or have someone on the spectrum in your life. So anything, or one, who can help clear things up is a blessing to me. Especially since I don’t personally have someone on the spectrum in my life. So just getting some insight into their, I want to say culture but the better word maybe practices, is helpful.

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