1. My goodness! Thank you for the comment and opinion on things. Always cool to see a fellow fan of a series I actually crave to watch.

    I do hope your prediction about the borders is true. To me, I’m so into the core group of people they have introduced, that I really can’t deal with distractions. But just the idea of them being in for 2 episodes scares the hell out of me since this show has such a tiny season. At least compared to most which have at least 10 to 13 episodes.

  2. Thank you for the very good article and helping me through my Anne withdrawal. Interested in your predictions for next season … predicting is half the fun …

    Jeannie has a skill in making dresses and a business of her own. Matthew is a farmer who was shy before his brother died – and whose education was cut short – shorter than Marilla’s since he was the youngest. Matthew doesn’t have the education to get a town job and is too shy to deal with customers. Jeannie would have to give up what she loves doing to be a farmer’s wife. I guess that, technically, they can get married and she can commute – though the trip back and forth seems to take a good portion of the day. That said, she could make the dresses anywhere and has a lady in the shop to take orders so need not go in every day. I think that the real barrier is that Matthew is too shy to propose.

    John Blythe did not leave Gilbert penniless – Gilbert is in no danger of losing the farm – he may not be able to work, but he did not need to die to provide for Gilbert. Matthew felt that he failed as a provider and that suicide was a means of remedying that.

    How Michael, the older brother, died. Marilla was also angry that, if the ship had not sunk, Matthew’s plan had him working more rather than working less. Is that just because he is getting older or was it something she was always concerned about? Michael, illness, accident or preexisting condition – it is one of the three. How did their father die?

    About the “boarders” – why did they pick a place that was isolated – that they could arrive and leave without anyone knowing that they were there in the first place? Where they can rob the owners blind and then skedaddle? Why did they make a point of coming separately so that the Cuthberts did not know that they were together? The second one recognizes Anne as being with the boy that they robbed so he isn’t going to spend any more time there than he has to. They will be gone if not by the first episode by the second. We know two things for sure – the Cuthberts don’t die and the Cuthberts don’t lose Green Gables but how they get out of this very dangerous situation …

    Question: Did Anne’s spidey sense tingle or was that my imagination? If she was suspicious of the “boarder”, then why did she let him in?

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