Anne: Season 1

Anne (Anne with an E): Season 1/ Episode 5 “Tightly Knotted to a Similar String” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Off the top of my head, I cannot think of another show which consistently has me smiling a goofy smile, laughing, and crying, from episode to episode. Hell, I can’t think of many movies that can do that without someone dying or someone going through something awful. Yet, somehow this show can make you cry…

Anne (Anne with an E): Season 1/ Episode 1 “Your Will Shall Decide Your Destiny” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

You ever see a description in which they note “Based off the classic […]” and you begin to think to yourself, “By whose standard?” If only because: A) You’ve never heard of it and B) You’ve read many a classic before which was shite? Well, strangely enough, Anne is more so an exception than following…