1. I love this series. I think the adaption is very well done. The creators have managed, in a way, to modernize it with the changes they made to the original book.
    I have been pondering on something, though… In the book Billy Andrews is in love with Anne (he wants to marry her, as a matter of fact). And in the series Billy’s behaviour resembles at times that of a boy pulling pigtails. I wonder if the writers see the character heading in that direction.
    Not that it really matters, because Gil is Anne’s perfect match. However… I think I would really enjoy a scene where he grovels at Anne’s feet. Either because he confesses and is shot down, or Anne punching him.

    1. I’m trying to imagine Anne’s reaction to being in love and it just makes me tear up. Just imagining how happy she would be and how validating that would be for her is just heart warming.

  2. I really liked Eliza Barry in the first episode – she seemed so nice, or at least tolerant.

    And, I agree, Anne is *good* in a pinch!

  3. Thank you for loving the show as much as I do! Paragraphs=separate thoughts.

    You are right – John Blythe would be of the same generation as Marilla and Rachel – the latter whose children are all grown up presumably with families of their own – all three being older than the parents of most of Anne’s classmates. Gilbert could be an only child or the youngest and the only one left at home. There is a reason why John Blythe wanted to go to Alberta one more time before he died – memories? Family?

    That blue ribbon in the flashback – isn’t that the same blue ribbon that Marilla gives Anne before she meets the Barrys?

    Seemingly queer! Gertrude and Josephine had a marriage of sorts – whether the family caught on or not. What does Anne want most – to be liked the way she is – she says so to Marilla early on. I think that is why Josephine confides in Anne – the need to be accepted for who she is. That Anne had read and memorized verses in a book that made Josephine cry somehow made Josephine feel she could trust Anne not to shun her – and then there is their shared love of books. You didn’t get your wish concerning the cliffhanger – I figure that they would rather be well fed while they case out the joint looking for valuables, but if they think that their cover is blown that they could turn very violent.

    You mention Ruby – she’s had a crush on Gilbert for a long time (ie he is handsome and a gentleman and from a good family) – but she seems to be trying to prove that she would make a good farmer’s wife assuming that Gilbert would want to be a farmer – something he says that he doesn’t want. Shepherd’s pie in this episode and a song about a Shepherdess in the next episode that has Anne threatening to kill Jerry – if he doesn’t stop singing it.

    Mrs Andrews speaks of feminism and big dreams for her daughter Prissy Andrews – who seems headed for a shotgun wedding – mean while her son Billy Andrews is the worst sort of misogynist pig. Billy Andrews has been a jerk to Anne since the beginning – no wonder Gilbert doesn’t want to be his “bud”. Anne says that she can take Billy Andrews in a fight – hope she gets her chance because he really need to be taken down a peg or two. How will his male chauvanist pride take being bested in a fight by a girl, though. Can’t wait.

    RE: “I’m left wondering how much must Anne do so that people see how wonderful she is? She keeps housing from burning down, saves children’s lives, so why are there still people who have such a dislike for her?”

    That is becoming a pattern – Anne saving the day … whatever else is going on with her, she is good in a pinch. Ruby didn’t start liking Anne because she kept her house from burning down, though, but because Anne tried to cheer her when she was feeling down. Anne had no reason to be kind to Ruby, but she saw a need and filled it.

    PS. Forgot to check the boxes last time.

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