1. AHHHHHMAZZZZZZING is all I can say. Was one of my favorite book series of all times, and couldn’t have picked better characters had I chosen myself. Watched with my 16YEAR old daughter who was equally captivated and as enthralled as I. The intro alone scores a 15 out of 10 for me.

  2. I love it! It is refreshing to see a show not devoted to the “F” bomb. I see so much of my oldest granddaughter in Anne it’s uncanny. Every episode left me wanting more.

    1. I just loved the fact that Anne is very much about girl power, but it doesn’t strip the character of being vulnerable in the process. Like, it doesn’t treat things which are often associated with being girly as something to be weird about. She likes poofy sleeved dresses just as much as she is smart and capable of helping to put a fire out. Not to mention brave enough to go into a burning building! Though that is a later episode and kind of a spoiler… sorry.

  3. Wow – this is a big thing as far as movie feelings are concerned

    [what you said about 5 and 9 minutes].

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