1. What a terrible take on Eddie’s storyline! It’s been the saving grace of the weakest 911 season to date. And instead, praise goes to the most poorly written character in the 911 universe, one who changes personality from one plot to the next? Guess it’s my first and last visit on here, because we are clearly not watching the same show.

    1. I think we are, but value different things the show offers. Like music, a show can mean different things to different people and we can get attached to one character and maybe not be fond of another. To me, Eddie’s entrance has been a bit of an issue since it seemed everyone got pushed aside. At first, it seemed to be for the sake of catching him up, development-wise, but with him being one of the few who consistently has a storyline and not getting benched, it made Hen getting a push a welcome change. It reminded me of the earlier seasons when 9-1-1 was a tighter show. Of which, Aisha Hinds was allowed to have arcs and be more than the voice of reason.

      And don’t get me wrong, I get for Guzman to become a better actor, he has to have storylines like Eddie has, and the chance to push himself, with the ability to make bad choices and not always hit it out of the park. However, as you noted, there is inconsistency when it comes to others like Hen, and I’d submit it is because the show doesn’t know how to balance everyone out. So it plays favorites, as shown with Eddie, and when the writers or producers get bored, they drop storylines and go back to focusing on a selected few characters. Maybe, on occasion, reminding us of things that have happened, but doing so long after the storyline has died down or was forgotten.

    2. Wait, what? My comment about the poorly written character was by no means in reference to Hen, but to Taylor. The writers’ lame attempt at giving her a sad backstory this season failed spectacularly in my opinion and I for one cannot wait to see her gone.

      1. *facepalm* in that case, I do agree with you to a point. A part of me likes Taylor, but I think she would work better in a reoccurring role where she isn’t dating Buck.

        For her back story with her dad potentially murdering her mom was… Eh. Again, I get the vibe they want everyone to have the opportunity to have a spotlight story but for some? I think they didn’t have the supporting actors they needed to really shine. Never mind a storyline that felt like it wasn’t made for a quick pop that can be wrapped up quickly – similar to each season’s big disaster.

        Which is why I can get your enjoyment of Eddie’s storyline. Out of all characters, he is the only one who has had a consistent plot/development since introduced and hasn’t been benched/ borderline forgotten for an extended time.

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