Wandavision: Season 1 Episode 1 [Series Premiere] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Title Card - Wandavision Season 1 Episode 1 [Series Premiere] | Featuring Wanda and Vision kissing

While you may want to applaud Marvel for trying something different with the MCU, Wandavision doesn’t seem like a guaranteed hit right out of the park.

While you may want to applaud Marvel for trying something different with the MCU, Wandavision doesn’t seem like a guaranteed hit right out of the park.

Creator Jac Schaeffer
Director(s) Matt Shakman
Writer(s) Jac Schaeffer
Aired (Disney+) 1/15/2021
Genre Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Introduced This Episode
Wanda Elizabeth Olsen
Vision Paul Bettany

This content contains pertinent spoilers. Also, images and text may contain affiliate links, which, if a purchase is made, we’ll earn money or products from the company.

Plot Overview

In some suburb, Wanda and Vision have moved in and are trying to be like any normal couple. The only problem is, Wanda has magic powers and doesn’t know how to do too many practical things, and Vision is a robot. Yet, despite these quirks, Vision goes to work, tries to impress his boss, and Wanda wields her magic to make sure anything that could go wrong either doesn’t or everyone is too distracted to see.


On The Fence

It Relies Heavily On Being In The MCU To Make You Finish Watching

Maybe it is just me, but Vision and Wanda’s relationship was never really a selling point of any of the films they were in. Heck, even as individuals, Vision, and Wanda weren’t necessarily selling points. So when it comes to the show, watching them be this quirky couple in some 1950s era sitcom isn’t really exciting.

Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) posing together
Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany)

Don’t get me wrong, you may find yourself chuckling from time to time, but it isn’t until the end when it seems someone is watching them like Wanda and Vision are trapped, does this seem like something to take note of. Outside of that? The sole reason to watch is just so you are fully aware of all the plot points for when Disney/Marvel are comfortable enough to release the MCU films.


Rating: Mixed (Stick Around)

Wandavision isn’t necessarily a letdown, for the hype was in the mystery of what it was about. Taking note Wanda and Vision aren’t the stars of the Avengers movies, them having their own show seems more about content for Disney+ than anything else. And while Wandavision will make you chuckle and surely may have value as the season goes on, it’s tepid premiere makes it so your loyalty to the MCU is what will have you watch this.

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It Relies Heavily On Being In The MCU To Make You Finish Watching - 73%


while Wandavision will make you chuckle and surely may have value as the season goes on, it's tepid premiere makes it so your loyalty to the MCU is what will have you watch this.

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