1. Hi Amari!

    Wow! This is the first time I ever felt like we watched two separate episodes of The Good Doctor. IMO, this was the worst episode of The Good Doctor ever!! First was the cringe-inducing, ewww part of the episode that was Alex and Morgan trying to have sex. While Shaun and Lea were sweet in their acceptance of how Steve makes their relationship different, Alex and Morgan just made me want to press the fast-forward button.

    Then there was the man with early onset Alzheimer’s and how his wife was going to have an abortion so she could take care of him. My mother has Alzheimer’s, but instead of devoting my life to taking care of her, my brother, sister-in-law, and I are making plans to put her in a senior facility. So I spent 90% of this storyline feeling very uncomfortable or very, very guilty. I watch tv to escape, not to be reminded of what will be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done or how I could/perhaps should be doing it differently.

    Is Jordan and Dr. Kalu lazy writing? Yes, but compared to Alex and Morgan, I didn’t mind them. Should we spend more time with Dr. Lim and her mom, not Dr. Glassman and Dr. Lim’s mom? Yes, but compared to the Azheimer’s storyline, this one was great!

    Maybe next week I will be annoyed with Charlie and Shaun again or with Dr. Glassman sleeping with Dr. Lim’s mom. But I will try to remember how much I disliked this episode and be thankful if they never mention Alzheimer’s again!

    1. I don’t know if I would ever call “The Good Doctor” escapism TV. It does have storylines that seem to have a low percentage chance of happening as frequently as it does, but since I watch TV for work and not to escape, I’m probably coming at it from a different angle.

      It’s unfortunate your mom has Alzheimer’s, but it’s good to know you have assistance when it comes to their future care and decision making.

      As for Dr. Kalu and Jordan, all I know is, Claire is supposed to appear before the final and I’d rather not see some weird scene where she is awkwardly talking about it is fine, she doesn’t have feelings for him, and talking him up to Jordan.

      And, you know, while I’m not fond of Charlie, I do find myself questioning if it might be for the same reasons I wasn’t fond with Shaun in earlier parts of the series. For Shaun, others advocated for him to be considered and not discriminated against, and because he had that backing, or safety net, it could feel like he did the most because he knew he could. With Charlie, I think she has a similar attitude but feels like the law is her backing, thus her having a sense of entitlement. Which may not be the best word or terms to use, but I do think there is a need to recognize, like how some adjustments were made when Dr. Lim was in a wheelchair, you have to recognize that it’s not all about making the work environment ideal for you, but rather good enough so you can get the job done.

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