1. In my opinion, every family member either makes one appearance or shows up sporadically. This show belongs to those who work at the hospital, and anyone else is filtered through their eyes. That includes Claire’s mom, Shaun’s dad, Dr. Melendez’s sister, and I’m betting will also include Morgan’s mom. Whether they are in one show or 10, I don’t feel that any family member is completely three-dimensional like those people that work at the hospital.

  2. I was just enjoying not seeing Alex’s ex-wife and son so I never gave any thought to how it might have affected the writers. ( I wonder if Debbie falls into the “failing spectacularly” 🙂 category for the writers also? She does for me!) And with the show focusing so heavily on Shaun, Shaun and Carly, and Claire, I forgot there were other characters with families we don’t see. I am curious about Dr. Lim’s family. And it would have been interesting to see if Dr. Andrew’s position changes had any affect on his marriage and child-pursuing plans. And my greatest interest is in Morgan’s family. I wonder if we will ever see any of them.

    1. Based on the preview for the next episode it seems we will meet her mom. Which I appreciate, but with her grandpa going AWOL and being so confused about who her parents are, since she lied originally, I must admit I’m somewhere between happy to see her grow as a character yet also worried that this could be a one-episode appearance. If not, like Claire, Morgan’s mom will show up so sporadically that it’ll feel like we don’t truly get a three-dimensional view of who Morgan’s mom is since she’ll just grind into our heads a sole viewpoint.

  3. You may be right about the writer’s avoiding Morgan’s personal business, but there’s always hope! Regarding Dr. Melendez’s sister, I guess if I was going to face reality, I would admit that you are right and we will most likely never see his sister ever again. I feel that is a shame, because even if it is for just one episode, it would be nice to have her back again. Oh well.

    1. I wonder if due to Alex’s storyline with his family failing so spectacularly, maybe that’s why the writers have been so slow to introduce new family members and make it so, similar to Breeze, they are reoccuring. Because, surely, Dr. Glassman has had to have more people in his life beyond his daughter and Dr. Lim surely has family, right? Heck, it feels like it has been ages since we saw Dr. Andrews wife and followed up on the pursuit of those two having a child.

  4. A part of me thinks Morgan is so deep in other people’s business so that they’ll avoid being in hers. And, let’s be real, introducing Dr. Melendez’s sister was purely about softening up his image. They had no intention of going further with that.

  5. I’ll start with Dr. Melendez. I cringed while watching that scene at the end with him and Claire. I just wish they would give him some sort of story line (maybe involving his sister with Down’s Syndrome?) that has nothing to do with romance because even though he and Claire would make a cute couple, I hate it because he is her boss! And because you’re right, that’s the only story line he ever gets – as somebody’s boyfriend. I love how the writers have given Claire something interesting to do. Now they can think up something for Dr. Melendez to do, too.

    I agree with you about how the scene with Shaun and Dr. Glassman was very powerful!

    I was surprised at how quickly Shaun agreed to give up Lea for Carly. I thought Carly asked Shaun to completely give up Lea, not just stop living with her. I guess I misunderstood what she said. Either way, I’m still surprised, and I wonder how much, if any, influence Morgan had on Shaun’s decision. Between “Lea is a flake!” and “you should thank whatever Gods you worship for Carly…”, Morgan is definitely Team Carly. I got a kick out of how Morgan not only sticks her nose in Claire’s business, but in Shaun’s as well. But I also agree with her; Lea is a flake!

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