1. What was the latin phrase that Dr. Glassman uttered in the OR on Bobby that he told Shaun to look up? I know some latin but the comment wasn’t clear enuf for me to understand.

  2. As always, I’m late to the party 🙁 But another great recap! Lol your ending “what else could you say besides: So?” But I like seeing that Dr. Melendez has a relationship because it makes him human when he’s being a jerk to Shaun, even if it’s not give much time. But I got so sick of Dr. Glassman shoving the therapist down Shaun’s throat. I was like, “Back off!” I probably would have hit him, too!

    1. I think he is so badly trying to compensate for whatever happened to his daughter that he is becoming stifling for Shaun. But what I really want, and need to see, if Shaun’s own parents show up. Especially since he has done fairly well without them.

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