Sex Education: Season 4/ Episode 2 – Recap and Review

Jackson - Sex Education Season 4 Episode 2

As Otis continues to show he sucks at handling any relationships which is his own, Eric opens the door for us getting to know Abbi better, and Jackson has something new to ask Otis about.

General Information

Director(s) Dominic Leclerc
Writer(s) Troy Hunter
Release Date (Netflix) September 21, 2023
Newly Noted Characters and Cast
Joanna Lisa McGrillis
Previously Noted Characters and Cast
Eric Ncuti Gatwa
Abbi Anthony Lexa
Roman Felix Mufti
Otis Asa Butterfield
O Thaddea Graham
Maeve Emma Mackey
Jackson Kedar Williams-Stirling
Adam Connor Swindells
Jean Gillian Anderson
Cal Dua Saleh
Isaac George Robinson
Aimee Aimee Lou Wood
Ruby Mimi Keene
Viv Chinenye Ezeudu

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”AbQii3y1″ upload-date=”2023-09-25T02:09:15.000Z” name=”Sex Education: Season 4/ Episode 2 – Recap and Review” description=”As Otis continues to show he sucks at handling any relationships which is his own, Eric opens the door for us getting to know Abbi better, and Jackson has something new to ask Otis about.” player-type=”static”]

Extended Edition

For Things That Couldn’t Fit In The Short and Sweet Version

Notable Storylines

  1. Joanna, Jean’s estranged sister arrives, and it seems while she is welcomed because taking care of Joy is getting in the way of Jean’s career, details on why the two aren’t close aren’t yet revealed.
  2. Adam takes on an internship at a farm where he is out of his depth, but trying hard to make something out of himself.
  3. Isaac and Aimee begin to bond, after he grants her the ability to restart their friendship.
  4. Jackson still struggles with Cal’s transition due to him having feelings for them, and on top of that, he learns he not only likes being fingered but may have a bump on his testicles.
  5. Ruby continues to struggle at the bottom of the social hierarchy but, thanks to Otis, seemingly may get a few rungs to climb on the ladder.


  1. There being a possibility for Ruby and Otis to reconcile as they work together on Otis’ sex therapist campaign.
  2. How, in the show, Black characters find each other and bond. Whether it is Aisha and Cal, or Eric, or Viv and Jackson’s relationship

Low Points

  1. Maeve and Otis’ relationship increasingly feeling forced and not beneficial for either party.

New Character Description(s)

Joanna (Lisa McGrillis)

Joanna (Lisa McGrillis) - Sex Education Season 4 Episode 2

Joanna is Jean’s estranged sister who seemingly has made a career out of watching children and has arrived at Jean’s doorstep due to Otis recognizing his mom struggling and his desire to not compensate for Jakob and Ola being gone.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In: Season 4/ Episode 2


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Sex Education: Season 4/ Episode 2 – Overview


As Otis begins to feel like a Trojan Horse, Jackson, Eric, and new characters, Abbi and Roman, remind us what made “Sex Education” so interesting in its first season.

  • Otis - 80%
  • Abbi and Roman - 86%
  • Too Many Expendable Characters - 68%
  • Jackson's Contributions To The Show - 84%
  • A Chance For Ruby and Otis 2.0 - 83%
  • The Bond Between Black Characters - 82%
  • How Forced Maeve and Otis Feel - 67%
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