Scavengers Reign: Season 1/ Episode 10 “The Decision” – Episode Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Bob Stephenson as Sam

As many see the Demeter in the distance and see it as a means of hope and joy, we’re reminded that not all who seek it will make it there.

General Information

This section Includes information about the Director, Writer, and Cast.



Release Date

November 9, 2023


Christine Jie-Eun Shin


Jenny Deiker Restivo

Previously Noted Characters and Cast


Wunmi Mosaku


Sepideh Moafi


Dash Williams


Pollyanna McIntosh


Bob Stephenson


Sunita Mani

Plot Recap

Wanting To Recapture The Joy – Azi, Mia, Barry, Kris

Despite earlier appearances, Azi and Mia did have a relationship. It was passionate and sudden, and it seems what we saw previously, in episode 2, was before Mia went into cryogenic sleep. This is why Azi wants Kris to commit to waking everyone up before the shuttle off the planet is touched.

Sepideh Moafi as Mia
“Sepideh Moafi as Mia,” Scavengers Reign, “Episode 10 ‘The Decision’,” directed by Christine Jie-Eun Shin, 2023, (Max)

When this isn’t given, Azi tries to force Kris into submission with violence, but with not taking note of Barry, he knocks her out, and the next thing Azi knows, she is tied up, hands and feet, left for dead.

Is This Actually Goodbye? – Sam, Ursula

With Ursula having a hip and leg injury, she eventually finds herself having no choice but to trust Sam. He might be getting weaker since he isn’t giving in to his parasite, but he is still strong enough to help. Unfortunately, just as they see the Demeter in the distance, it seems Sam has resigned himself to death, for he keeps crushing the seeds the parasite produces, and after convincing Ursula to go on without him, he rips it out of his chest and kills it.

Thus leaving us to assume there won’t be a fake-out – this time, Sam is dead.

Other Noteworthy Information

  1. Kamen is seen, as well as his vessel, who made it to the Demeter before all else
  2. It seems the local, small wildlife might be rebuilding Levi

Discussion Items

Let us know your thoughts in the comments:

  1. Do you think Sam is truly going to die, or will it be another fake-out?
  2. Anyone else curious if Ursula has family or anyone waiting for her? It seems everyone, but her has a relationship they left behind or that is waiting for them.



Kris vs. Azi

It became apparent that Kris and Azi couldn’t handle the power dynamics between them. Azi questioned Kris’ authority, and it seems Kris recognized Azi was starting to influence Barry, which would have caused major problems. But, as shown, Azi overplayed her hand and picked the wrong time and place to try to force a conversation.

Though it is worth asking, with there being signs Levi might be reformed, could they potentially save her?

On The Fence

Sam and Levi – Another Will They Or Won’t They

Pollyanna McIntosh as Kris
“Pollyanna McIntosh as Kris,” Scavengers Reign, “Episode 10 ‘The Decision’,” directed by Christine Jie-Eun Shin, 2023, (Max)

We’ve been here before when it comes to Sam, thinking he may die, yet there is a miraculous save. As for Levi, while their originally death lacked impact, I would say bringing them back to life doesn’t bring joy or a sense of relief – since they shouldn’t have died so early in the show in the first place. So with that in mind, a part of me still doesn’t feel much about these two, as the show lacks the emotional impact to make most of the characters have meaningful lives.

I mean, we’re in the final stretch and are just now learning Mia and Azi had something serious going on. Stuff like that is necessary to make anyone’s death, including Sam, be more than a means to make room for new characters.

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Scavengers Reign: Season 1/ Episode 10 “The Decision”


With dashed hopes for Sam, Azi in trouble, and Ursula now heading to the Demeter alone, it seems we’re in for a rough final episodes as the OG characters find themselves vulnerable and in highly dangerous scenarios that hopefully will end well – since the show hasn’t built itself up for the emotional impact required for their deaths.

  • Kris vs. Azi - 84%
  • Sam and Levi – Another Will They Or Won’t They - 74%
User Review
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  • Kris vs. Azi


  • Sam and Levi – Another Will They Or Won’t They

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