Ready To Love: Make A Move: Season 1/ Episode 5 “Blast From The Past” – Episode Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
The ladies invite some “Ready To Love” alumni to help them make a choice on their keepers, and one seemingly forgot she isn’t on the show but is a guest.

Ready To Love: Make A Move: Season 1/ Episode 5 “Blast From The Past”
It’s interesting how things are shifting. Zadia and Shareese, at one time, seemed like they weren’t the best picks for a show like this, while Ashlee and Verneashia are. But, as the blind dates lead to better matches, Ashlee has shown herself as maybe ready to date and experience the fun part, but as for a relationship? That might be too much, considering where her head is at.
Kamil’s Faces - 84%
Course Correcting As They Go - 83%
Borrowing A Valuable Feature From The Mainline Series - 83.5%
Ashlee’s Insecurities - 74%
User Review
( votes)Pros
- Borrowing A Valuable Feature From The Mainline Series
- Course Correcting As They Go
- Kamil’s Faces
- Ashlee’s Insecurities
Spoiler Alert: This summary and review contains spoilers.
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General Information
This section Includes information about the Director, Writer, and Cast.
Network |
Release Date |
November 10, 2023 |
Director(s) |
N/A |
Writer(s) |
N/A |
Newly Noted Characters and Cast |
Self |
Dylan |
Self |
Mizell |
Self |
Tabari |
Self |
Christopher Keelson |
Previously Noted Characters and Cast |
Self |
Zadia |
Self |
Verneashia |
Self |
Kamil |
Self |
Cameron |
Self |
Liz |
Self |
Shareese |
Self |
LJ |
Self |
Maurice |
Self |
Keith |
Self |
Stormy |
Self |
Ashlee |
Self |
Kirston |
Self |
Jabari |
Plot Recap
You Make A Valid Point – Zadia, Verneashia, Kamil, Tabari, Cameron, Dylan, Liz, Jabari
Zadia is pretty much locked into Cameron, and she even says in the episode that, while Tamica may send her on blind dates, she compares everyone to Cameron, and her heart isn’t really in these dates. Which makes Kamil asking him questions and pressing him, in ways only Kamil could, illuminating, but considering the lack of alternatives, Zadia seems unmoved.
As for Verneashia? Liz grills Jabari, and with him being traditional in having a 9 to 5, wanting his woman home first and being a homemaker, and not offering much in the way of compromise? This makes it seem he may not last past the next elimination, especially with the introduction of Tabari, who is more entrepreneurial and more in step with Verneashia’s lifestyle.
Oh, I Like This – Shareese, LJ, Mizell, Maurice, Keith
Shaurice lets Maurice go, finally, because she needs more than status. But that doesn’t mean Keith is safe. He has a kid, so red flag number one, and in terms of traveling, the furthest he has gone is Texas, and that trip, one of his first solo trips, was in the last year. Add in he seems like a homebody type, and LJ and Shareese agree that, while the man is nice and can hold a conversation, this isn’t the one.
Luckily, her next blind date is Mizell, and with him liking to dance, being a dog lover like her, and dressing well, he shows potential. He is a high school dean, so he should have decent finances, but right now, it is just the first date, and initial impressions are so far good enough that we could see the majority of men dropped for someone new.
It’s My Party, And I’ll Cry If I Want To – Ashlee, Stormy, Kirston, Christopher
Why the majority of men? Well, because Ashlee seems done with Kirston. From feeling like he was combative to Stormy coming in and Ashlee thinking she hijacked her date, it makes Christopher, her new match, a breath of fresh air. However, considering Ashlee’s insecurities increasingly make it so she veers towards self-sabotage, who knows if this guy may last.
Other Noteworthy Information
- Despite being eliminated, Maurice and Donald keep in touch with the ladies, and Ashlee, low-key, seems to regret eliminating Donald. But, at the same time, having to eliminate someone to get them to step up isn’t lost on Ashlee or Shareese.
New Character Description(s)
Strangely called Chris, originally, by Zadia, Dylan is a 31-year-old teacher who only recently moved to New Orleans after being in New York for six years. He teaches fourth-grade English, is in his first year teaching, and notes he is dyslexic.
Mizell is a New Orleans native who is a 55-year-old High School Dean who was born in February, during Pisces season. He also owns a big dog named Ranger.
48-year-old Tabari is a realtor and restaurateur and owns his own radio station.
Christopher Keelson
Likely one of the few people who give their first and last name, Christopher is a 35-year-old insurance agent whose nickname is Boxx due to the shape of his head. We’re told it has been 3-4 months since his last relationship, which lasted 3 ½ years.
Discussion Items
Let us know your thoughts in the comments:
- Can you imagine a meet the exes or family episode featuring Maurice?
- What was up with Chris wanting to be known as Dylan? Was that just an innocent mistake regarding information Zadia was given?
- Is it just me, or is it that most of the people sent to go on a blind date with Zadia seem better for Ashlee?
- What other traditional “Ready To Love” staples would you want to see? Do you think the ladies should meet the guys’ friends or family, maybe go on a getaway together, or have the guys meet their folks?
- Is Ashlee as insecure as we think she is, or are these men trash? Maybe somewhere in between?
Kamil’s Faces
While watching Kamil date gave us pause, there is no denying how animated she is can be seen as a treat. Her judging Cameron and Zadia’s relationship, with real deal questions, reminds you that, as much of a hot mess she seemed during her season, as shown in clips within the episode, this doesn’t mean she isn’t all there. She is undeniably eccentric, but don’t let her face contortions fool you.
Course Correcting As They Go
Would it better serve the ladies to just have a chat with whoever is picking these matches? Yes. However, there is no denying that, seemingly, they are adjusting as they watch back the tapes. Verneashia needs someone who is traditional in terms of being head of the household but liberal enough for her to do her thing. Shareese needs someone who is grounded but can talk, likes to go out, and is able to make her comfortable enough to bring out her feminine side.
Zadia? She has been with the same guy since she decided she liked him, hence them not being sure what would be best, and Ashlee? They know the guy has to be fun, outgoing, and comical. The problem is, as we’ll get into below, she has certain insecurities that complicate figuring out who is perfect.
Borrowing A Valuable Feature From The Mainline Series
People outside the process can give the most valuable information, and what luck is it that the ladies of “Ready To Love: Make A Move” have friends from their season who get what it is like to date multiple people, on television, and deal with the wild ride of eliminating people. As shown, it isn’t an easy decision, especially since you can only hang onto one guy at a time on this show. So having a Kamil, a Liz, LJ, and even Stormy question and test matches allows you to see people in a new light.
On The Fence
Ashlee’s Insecurities
I feel like Ashlee isn’t ready to be back on a show like this. We’ve seen the jealousy over Zadia on more than one occasion, to how she let Stormy take over her date and how she reacted. Whether it is the Alexx situation or something else, it just seems like a bad time.
Though, in her defense, dating is a high-stress job where you are on probation with no benefits, and the payoff is inconsistent. So, while I think her dating on television, in this format, may not be the best idea, maybe with some time, further reflection, a life coach, a dating coach, and therapy, maybe these old wounds can fully heal, rather than seemingly get picked at with each date she goes on.
Episode Directory
Previous Episode: Season 1/ Episode 4 “Keep Your Options Open”
Ready To Love: Make A Move: Season 1/ Episode 5 “Blast From The Past”
It’s interesting how things are shifting. Zadia and Shareese, at one time, seemed like they weren’t the best picks for a show like this, while Ashlee and Verneashia are. But, as the blind dates lead to better matches, Ashlee has shown herself as maybe ready to date and experience the fun part, but as for a relationship? That might be too much, considering where her head is at.
Kamil’s Faces - 84%
Course Correcting As They Go - 83%
Borrowing A Valuable Feature From The Mainline Series - 83.5%
Ashlee’s Insecurities - 74%
User Review
( votes)Pros
- Borrowing A Valuable Feature From The Mainline Series
- Course Correcting As They Go
- Kamil’s Faces
- Ashlee’s Insecurities