HoriMiya: Season 2/ Episode 13 “Graduation” – Recap and Review [Finale]

The Cast of HoriMiya

It’s graduation day at Katagiri High School, and while there aren’t tear-filled goodbyes, there are moments for viewers that may bring a tear to your eye.

General Information

This section Includes information about the Director, Writer, and Cast.

Release Date (Crunchyroll) September 23, 2023
Director(s) Masashi Ishihama
Writer(s) Takao Yoshioka
Previously Noted Characters and Cast
Miyamura Kōki Uchiyama
Iura Y. Chang
Yanagi Fukuyama Jun
Sakura Reina Kondo
Hori Haruka Tomatsu
Toru Seiichirō Yamashita

Plot Recap

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The Last Day Of School

With the school year ending and graduation following close behind, everyone is gathered together just once more. With that, it is hard for Miyamura to not reminisce about how things got the way they did and how it all required a series of moments. Whether it is Iura inviting Yanagi to be part of the friend group, Sakura and Hori forming a bond, Hori rejecting Toru repeatedly, or her making the first move when it came to Miyamura.

The combination allowed for many fun high school moments, some barely remembered but will always be cherished for how they allowed for a sense of belonging.

The Day After Graduation

Graduation day isn’t made to be that eventful on “Horimiya: Missing Pieces.” Everyone helps clean up for the incoming class, have a few jokes, reminisce, and that’s it. However, the day after Kyoko decides to get a haircut, it is about Miyamura’s length. Because of that, she is insecure, so he cuts his hair, far shorter than he is accustomed to or likes, to make her feel better.

The show ends with us seeing that these two are likely to last way past high school being over.



The Montage Featuring How It All Came Together

Miyamura (Koki Uchiyama)
“Miyamura (Koki Uchiyama),” HoriMiya, “Graduation,” directed by Masashi Ishihama, 2023, (Crunchyroll)

The montage was a cute send-off for those who have watched seasons 1 and 2 of the series. Admittedly, it did push me to want a “What If” episode, considering how much had to go right for the friend group to be as large as it is, but likely the manga didn’t have that so there was nothing to adapt.

But, even with that said, it was hard to not feel warm and fuzzy about how far everyone came, especially Miyamura, who was really brought out of his shell and, in the process, also helped Kyoko come out of hers in a way no one got to experience until Miyamura made her comfortable enough to do so.

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HoriMiya: Season 2/ Episode 13 "Graduation" – Overview


I wouldn’t say “Horimiya” ended its second season on a high note, but considering this season leaned so heavily into being a slice-of-life anime, which can be a divisive genre, I will say it ended better than expected. At least, thanks to a handful of moments that could drive your emotions rather than present the usual mundane link of scenes.

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  • The Montage Featuring How It All Came Together


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