Game of Thrones: Season 8, Episode 6 “The Iron Throne” [Series Finale] – Recap, Review (with Spoilers)

Daenerys announcing her victory after walking off of Drogon.

Game of Thrones’ finale isn’t bad, it’s just disappointing. Even when you consider some of the fan service and one devious character.

Game of Thrones’ finale isn’t bad, it’s just disappointing. Even when you consider some of the fan service and one devious character.

Director(s) David Benioff & D. B. Weiss
Writer(s) David Benioff & D. B. Weiss
Air Date 5/19/2019

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The Death Of A Queen: Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Grey Worm

With King’s Landing burnt to a crisp, littered with dead soldiers as much as women and children, Daenerys proclaims a proud victory. One which she says in a foreign tongue so only her men will know and so they can be made aware it is not over. And perhaps it is with hearing that which leads Tyrion, who has been studying Valyrian, to decide he’ll throw away the role of being the Queen’s Hand. Which comes at a good time for Daenerys as she knows Tyrion released his brother and for this treason she wants him to die.

And all things considered, with seeing his sister and brother die together in the crypt’s rubble, to die within a day of them wouldn’t be so bad. The Lannisters could end together only a day apart – especially considering Grey worm was executing their entire army. However, Jon, who has a soft spot for Tyrion, he comes to visit and Tyrion, showing he isn’t the fool Daenerys has taken him for, manipulates Jon. He pushes him to see past his love and loyalty and makes him realize what he has to do.

So, after passing Drogon, the only one, besides the promoted Greyworm, who Daenerys trusts, Jon looks for any chance Daenerys could be redeemed. He seeks some form of mercy, and when that doesn’t seem possible, he takes her into a kiss, one she asked for, and then kills her. Something Drogon senses, and while he can’t bring himself to kill Jon, he does melt the Iron Throne to a puddle of metal.

Daenerys after Jon assassinates her.

The Manipulation Of Fools: Greyworm, Sansa, Arya, Yara, Tyrion, Bran, Samwell, Jon

Weeks go by, and both Tyrion and Jon end up imprison but surprisingly not executed. For while the Dothraki and Unsullied own the city, it seems Greyworm had no desire to assume a role of leadership and kill those who killed someone barely queen for a day. So, instead, someone calls a council of the lords of the seven kingdoms and a few old friends. And curiously, when Greyworm approaches them, he only has Tyrion with him.

Thus leading to a conversation on what to do which will satisfy all parties. Sansa warns that killing Jon would mean war, Yara speaks of vengeance and Arya threatens to kill her. Then it is brought up they need a king or queen to decide, and while some nominate themselves, and Samwell dares to promote democracy, Tyrion shows he knows the game of thrones and nominates Bran. Someone who doesn’t want the throne but accepts it, as long as Tyrion becomes his hand. A job Greyworm doesn’t want him to have for he is a traitor, but Bran justifies it by noting he will repay his debts as hand. And strangely, everyone goes for Tyrion’s punishment and Bran becoming king.

However, all isn’t smooth as Sansa claims the north, at least Winterfell, no word on the Wildlings and what is beyond the wall, will be independent. Which, being that Bran is a Stark, he doesn’t care and with no objection to everyone else being ruled by Bran but Winterfell, it seems Bran has secured his homeland, the future, and Tyrion found a way to save his neck once again.

Tyrion as the king's hand - with the king being Bran the Broken.

A Dream of Spring: Jon, Arya, Sansa, Brienne, Bronn, Bran, Davos, Tormund, Greyworm, Samwell

As for Jon? Well, his punishment is rejoining the Night’s Watch which doesn’t really have a purpose anymore. So outside of being banished from Westeros civilization, his sentence isn’t that bad. I mean, yeah, Sansa doesn’t like it, but this leads the way for her being queen. Also, Arya isn’t fond of it but with her about to learn the world isn’t flat, by traveling west, where the map doesn’t go, she has grand discoveries to make. And really, considering Tormund seemingly was waiting for Jon at the wall, I’m sure he’ll do just fine. May find himself a new Ygritte and still find a good life in the north. After all, it isn’t like they castrate you when you take your vows.

In terms of Greyworm? He returns to Naath and Essos, but no word if he takes the Dothraki with him or not. Leaving Tyrion, Brienne, Bronn, Davos, Samwell, and Bran. Well, Tyrion takes on his old role, sits in his old chair, and preps for the usual meeting. We learn Bronn is the master of coin now, and is happy with Highgarden, Davos is master of ship, Samwell Archmaester and has finished, along with his peers, A Song of Ice & Fire. A book recounting the days from King Robert Baratheon to the fall of Daenerys Targaryen. Which, strangely, Tyrion is omitted from.

Bringing us to Brienne. She too has a seat at the table, but as what isn’t clear. It’s not head of war so we can only assume she has taken up a position heading the Kingsguard. But, in a bittersweet moment, one of her most notable parts in the finale is finishing Jamie’s story as Kingsguard so she can begin her own.

Brienne finishing Jamie's story in the book of the Kingsguard.

And so ends a Game of Thrones.

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Do Wildings have an independent nation or are they considered under the rule of Winterfell and the North?
  2. What happened to the Dothraki after Daenerys’ death?
  3. When Bran and Tyrion spoke in Winterfell, was it to tell Tyrion what he is destined to do so Daenerys’ tyranny wouldn’t destroy the world?
  4. Is it wrong I wanted to see Gendry have one last goodbye with Arya?

Collected Quote(s) & .Gifs

Love is more powerful than reason.
— Tyrion

Love is the death to duty.
— Jon

Sometimes duty is the death of love.
— Tyrion

The world we need won’t be built by men loyal to the world we have.
— Daenerys


Tyrion Playing The Long Game To Survive – 90

The corpses of Jamie and Cersei.

Recognize the game. Tyrion, since the beginning, has been about survival and finding key allies who could assure it. With that in mind, he befriended the future queen of the north, recognizing, early on, Sansa’s potential. Varys, master of whispers, was used for what he was good at and allowed to be a sacrificial lamb once his purpose was served. Hell, one could even argue Tyrion had the foresight to befriend Bran who, I’d argue, paid back Tyrion’s kindness when he was a child by saving his life.

That folks, is called playing the long game. Making friends with anyone and everyone, until it is time for them to die to save your ass. Making it so, truly – who won the Game of Thrones here? I mean, come on.

Low Point

Daenerys’ Death Was As Anti-Climatic As Cersei’s & The Night King – 65

A kiss and being stabbed was how Daenerys’ reign ended. Which seems kind of messed up doesn’t it? Her vulnerability, her sexuality, is what led to her dying. I mean, yeah, you could say it was burning down King’s Landing but, having a week to think about it, it makes sense. Everything she lost was because of the inaction or actions of what happened in King’s Landing. And really, how safe would she be in a city filled with those who feared her? People whose brothers, husbands, fathers, trained to keep her from the throne? Never mind may seek vengeance for those they lost in the battles?

Not to imply the violence wasn’t a bit much, but what mercy was her family shown? Including the women and children? So why in the world would she show the people mercy when they are all traitors?

On The Fence

Fan Service/ Leaving No One Happy – 70

One of Game of Thrones’ biggest things, since season 1, is the unpredictability of who can die. Yet, since Jon’s resurrection, that has been taken away. Arguably, since then, there have been very few notable deaths, and when someone did die, it was far and few between which seemed to be what that person deserved. Honestly, outside of Lyanna, no one got a death worthy of their character.

Yet, I guess the point was to give the fans what they wanted but avoid a happy ending. Meaning, yes, most of your favorite characters lived, but Jon is now banished beyond the wall, Bran, of all people, is king, yet due to that Sansa can be queen of the north, Tyrion is alive, and peace has come to the 6 kingdoms, as well as Winterfell.

Is it something to be joyous about? No. Yet, it pushes you to feel just as the characters have this season. Fear over the possibility of dying, shock over Daenerys’ actions, an almost air of indifference once the latest threat is over, like it was a sudden migraine, and ultimately feeling life is more about survival than thriving. For, after all negotiations are done, the books are written, the songs sang, no one is truly happy. They are just dealing with the cards handed to them.

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Tyrion Playing The Long Game To Survive - 90%
Daenerys’ Death Was As Anti-Climatic As Cersei’s & The Night King - 65%
Fan Service/ Leaving No One Happy - 70%


To be honest, to expect an epic end after what happened to the Night King would have been laughable. Yet, there was hope. And that has always been what Game of Thrones took advantage of with fans. Hopes that their favorite would live to the end, maybe even sit on the Iron Throne. Which, through death, twists, and more, there was always some attempt to throw us off. So what better way to end things but to do the unexpected and even if it leaves some unsatisfied, reminding fans this world may often have given them fan service, but ultimately it was not made for them to enjoy but to be passionate about. For that is what all shows are meant to do, take you from the infatuation phase, to creating a deep loyalty, until there is a devastating end. One which you’ll never forget and perhaps never forgive.

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  • Value For Intended Audience - /100
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