Bigger: Season 1, Episode 3 “Smack My Ass Like You Meant It” – Recap, Review (with Spoilers)

Layne talking to the audience, excited about the sex toys Greg may bring home.

With “Smack My Ass Like You Meant It,” Bigger pretty much makes a case for at least keeping BET+ until the end of its season.

With “Smack My Ass Like You Meant It,” Bigger pretty much makes a case for at least keeping BET+ until the end of its season.

Director(s) Crystle C. Roberson
Writer(s) David A. Arnold
Air Date 9/19/2019
Introduced This Episode
Shelley Tyler Kay Whitley

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Recap (with Commentary & Spoilers)

Keep Your Mouth Shut, This Is For Progress: Tracey, Vince, Deon

While Deon isn’t a token, he is one of the few Black people at his firm, and there don’t appear to be any executives who are people of color. So as much as he is offended by someone willing to say the N-word at a group outing, he realizes making a stink could mean he loses opportunities. Be it the kind that will mean missed or lost promotions, or opportunities to meet new clients

But, while Deon is trying to move forward with his mouth shut, Vince decides to open up his and ask help from Tracey. Someone who, despite Vince’s original desire to obtain from social media, doesn’t make him beg – much. Instead, she takes him under her wing and pushes the idea Vince is more than Layne’s cousin and Veronica’s final option. Vince is one of the crew.


As much as you may want to see Deon as a punk, let’s be real – he had no choice. For, as shown by Andre on Black-ish, there is really only so much you can do when it comes to people willingly ignorant with what you go though. Also, speaking up can be dangerous. Not in terms of violence against you but let’s not pretend if Deon was considered a trouble maker, it couldn’t ruin his career. Especially if people thought he was the kind to shout RACISM! Just because he got uncomfortable.

Moving onto Vince, is it wrong I was touched by how much Tracey did for him? Be it welcoming him inside, without an attitude, when he showed up, not pushing him too much about him relenting and getting his social game up, offering him food, and then having a crash course in getting his numbers up? Don’t get me wrong, Vince seems like a nice guy but with the way Layne introduced him, he sounded like a bum.

Hell, add in Veronica using him just when her better options weren’t available, and it pushed you to wonder what was Vince’s life like? Hell, considering Tracey’s charity, do they look down on him? He isn’t broke, but he doesn’t own a store, doesn’t have his own office, or business, so do they see him as the friend still getting his stuff together?

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Did Tracey see that text from Veronica and, if she did, will she say anything?

Jealousy Is One Hell Of A Drug: Veronica, Shelley

Shelley (Tyler Kay Whitley) at an auction.
Shelley (Tyler Kay Whitley)

Remember confident, self-assured, and successful Veronica? Yeah, that was an Instagram façade because Shelley, her former assistant, just because she is doing so well, she got Veronica all the way f***ed up. I’m talking having a corkboard filled with pictures and trying to understand Shelley’s rise, stalking her, and trying to outbid her. It’s just a complete deconstruction of the Veronica we were introduced to.


Um, what the f***? Veronica couldn’t just be the friend who, with seeing her former assistant rise, felt she had to step her game up? Maybe hustle harder in her field, or become a friendly competitor? No, she had to begin taking a dark path towards crazy, vindictive, and madness? Why?

And what makes this worse is Shelley seems so nice and thankful in a way. So Veronica acting like this, talking about Shelley having sex to make it, with Layne implying, in the last episode, that’s what Veronica might have done, it just taints a perfectly good character. Hopefully, one which will bounce back.

That’s The Human In Me: Willy, Kristi, Layne, Greg

Willy (Bechir Sylvain) talking to Layne.
Willy (Bechir Sylvain)

Kristi has serious issues with Willy, and he knows it. Also, he recognizes, with him planting a tent outside Layne’s shop, she too may have an issue with him. Yet, rather than dismiss him, Layne instead asks to hear his story. Thus leading to us learning Willy is a veteran, suffering from PTSD, who struggles with gaining employment, housing, and the mental health services he needs. Which makes Layne’s kindness, treating him like a human, probably the nicest thing which has happened to him in a long time.

But that doesn’t make Layne a saint. For while Reggie isn’t around this episode, no one says that situation is over. It’s just Layne wants to give Greg room to improve, but even his attempts to spice things up just don’t hit it right. Be it smacking some ass or getting something from a sex shop to make things fun. He is just, as Veronica says, a boring, marital sex, kind of guy.


It feels like what was taken away with Veronica we got out of Willy. Someone who seems layered, worthy of your time and investment, and brings something you don’t often see. Think about it, outside of movies, when do you see a homeless Black person with an active role on a show? Never mind a Black homeless person, who isn’t pure comic relief, and a veteran to boot?

And while I know this is a comedy, so the realness of the moment shouldn’t be seen as a norm, I won’t pretend that I didn’t appreciate an honest moment. For, generally speaking, I struggle with comedies just because it requires a certain level of suspension that is just hard to maintain sometimes. Yet, between Deon backing down from speaking his feelings, it being clear Tracey is starting to feel forgotten, Veronica dealing with an underling surpassing her, and now Willy, there is hope. If not, the best thing, realized potential.

Review Summary


  1. The Difficulty Of Speaking Up When You Don’t Want To Get Kicked Out
  2. Greg Trying To Save His Relationship
  3. Vince Being Open To Change
  4. Willy’s Backstory

On The Fence

  1. What Have You Done With Veronica?
  2. No Reggie?

[ninja_tables id=”39512″]

The Difficulty Of Speaking Up When You Don’t Want To Get Kicked Out - 85%
Greg Trying To Save His Relationship - 80%
Vince Being Open To Change - 81%
Willy's Backstory - 89%
What Have You Done With Veronica? - 70%
No Reggie? - 71%


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