1. I’ve been looking at this series and wondering if I should pick it up or not. At this point what are your thoughts? Is it worth trying?

    1. I’m definitely labeling this as mixed at this point. While it started off okay, there have only been a handful of times I really thought this was something. Mostly in the form of Luke’s backstory, and how they handled Sophie early on. Outside of that, Sword has remained kind of a mystery since we haven’t gotten to learn much of his backstory, including about his own younger sibling. The early consistent violence against women and ongoing oggling of big breasted women can get annoying, but it’s overall the kind of show which just goes under the radar. It doesn’t receive scorn because it does have its peaks, but doesn’t receive serious praise for with every peek comes you questioning whether the episode should be considered filler since the show stretches out our eventual arrival in El Dorado. Which, seemingly will finally come about in episode 15.

      I should add, mention of El Dorado is made sporadically throughout the first 12 episodes to the point you could imagine this being better as a tight 13 episode season vs. a 24 or 25 (including recap episode) one.

      1. Okay. I might wait until this one is done and check out final opinions before I jump into it. Thanks for the heads up.

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