1. Perhaps, but I felt this did a much better job of establishing its characters. I felt absolutely nothing for the girl in Magical Girl Site. They gave me no reason to care about her because other than being a punching bag she had no personality. If they’d fleshed her out even a little bit, maybe, but it didn’t really work.
    This set out its characters and while none of them seem terribly interesting yet, I think there’s some potential here.
    I guess we’ll find out if either show does anything with what they have set out as the season goes on.

  2. I honestly am left with more hope for Magical Girl Site than this since at least that made you react. This premiere? You were perpetually waiting for something interesting to happen or be said.

  3. I found the premise of this intriguing even if the execution was lacking a little. I’m going to give it a little longer to see whether it manages to actually do something with some of its ideas or not. Like Magical Girl Site, if this doesn’t end up doing anything, at least I’ll have some material for an article about anime that use dark and edgy as substitutes for plot.

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