B – The Beginning: Season 1/ Episode 7 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
We may have reached a point where B – The Beginning can redeem itself as it dives just a bit deeper into the last time Yuna and Koku saw each other. Network Netflix Director(s) Kazuto Nakazawa, Yoshiki Yamakawa Writer(s) Katsuya Ishida Air Date 3/2/2018 By Any Means Necessary: Minatsuki, Koku, Keith All that Minatsuki’s employer…

User Review
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We may have reached a point where B – The Beginning can redeem itself as it dives just a bit deeper into the last time Yuna and Koku saw each other.
Network | |
Netflix | |
Director(s) | Kazuto Nakazawa, Yoshiki Yamakawa |
Writer(s) | Katsuya Ishida |
Air Date | 3/2/2018 |
By Any Means Necessary: Minatsuki, Koku, Keith
All that Minatsuki’s employer needs is Koku’s heart and his head. The rest seem unimportant so the twins are allowed to shoot as they please, Kamui slice him up as he pleases, and even the harpoons which rain from the sky are allowed to drop where they may – as long as these two things aren’t injured. However, seeing Yuna get stabbed triggers something in Koku and makes it so none of them can really take him out. Combine that with Keith having a shotgun that has pellets which seemingly burn Minatsuki in a way which alarms Laica, and they are forced to leave with Koku. Failures once more.
With what we learn, later on, it’s clear why they need Koku’s head to not be injured, but why also his heart? Is it strictly a circulation issue or could it be their healing powers rely on their heart creating some sort of enzyme, or what have you, in order to heal them? But, even with that in mind, what happens if they hit an artery or major organ? This idea that they need him alive, but not necessarily conscious, keeps me wondering what are they planning to do with him? And when I say they, it seems to be the Market Makers.
And It All Falls Down: Koku, Yuna, Kirisame, Dr. Kazama, Minatsuki
It isn’t clear why there is a special connection between Yuna and Koku, be it they are siblings or eternal lovers, but they can sense each other in a way which is definitely different than what the other 13 have. Hence why they are so close and Koku has looked for her all this time. But, that is something that has to be addressed: what separated them in the first place? Well, it was when the Market Makers attacked.
When that happened, the various children, which includes Minatsuki to my surprise, seemingly took sides. Some sided with Dr. Kazama, and Koku, the others with the Market Makers, which assumingly includes Regulus. This led to Dr. Kazama sending Koku away with Krisame to a secret shelter and Dr. Kazama facing the Market Makers. Which, at first, he thought he was doing with Minatsuki and Izanami by his side. However, then Minatsuki stabs him.
Now, the why isn’t exact but let’s assume that a member of the Market Makers infiltrated this community Dr. Kazama made and started planting ideas. Of which included Minatsuki, and the rest, were just spare parts for Koku and Dr. Kazama was the devil. Something clearly Minatsuki believed, but as for Izanami and the others? Well, we can’t be so sure. All that is made clear to us is that Minatsuki, who very well seems to be the oldest, pushed this idea and that is why nearly everyone Koku knew growing up died. Leading to how he got that blade for an arm – it came from Kirisame’s corpse – which he hacked up.
I think Minatsuki being brainwashed is what will make or break this show for people. For him desiring to have a higher purpose than being but a spare part for Koku, made to make him a whole King or God, is pretty much as far as our understanding will reach with him. As for the rest? I guess you can say they followed along? I mean, despite Koku being their king, it seems only Kirisame may have taken that seriously. The rest either made fun of him, were indifferent or were like Minatsuki and perhaps hated him. Maybe even were envious.
But, is that enough? Do we now need to go into the history of the Market Makers to bolster them up as well? For, personally, even though I just said in the last episode we needed more of the kids’ past, now I’m wondering if that really helped the situation at all?
Back to Life, Back to Reality: Koku, Keith, Minatsuki
With Koku no longer in a coma, he reveals to us why he didn’t remember so much. It is because his natural power, that sci-fi fish eye of his, it allows him to reconfigure, or outright erase people’s memories. Which he has never done on others, but did do on himself. Just so he could forget everything but Yuna from his past. However, looking into her eyes forced him to remember everything.
As for Minatsuki, well, he gets those bullets pellets out of his arm – by losing his entire arm. But, despite him having reason to question Regulus, who supposedly is a prophet, he remains within the Market Makers. But, lest we forget, there was a conversation earlier in the season of perhaps taking Regulus on. So while Minatsuki remains a faithful soldier, it may not necessarily mean he is a happy one.
There is a part of me which feels like the point of this episode was to make Minatsuki seem like a complicated villain. Someone who doesn’t have it all together, is a bit of a puppet, but is getting upset with someone pulling his strings. Yet, while I get what the show may be trying to do, I just feel like the execution has been kind of botched. And I don’t know if it is because they waited too long and now it is too late, or maybe the sympathy they want you to have for Minatsuki coming off cheap. Either way, something isn’t having its intended effect here.
Other Noteworthy Facts & Moments
- Yuna is still alive, just healing.
Question(s) Left Unanswered
- So, is Erika the girl we saw murdered earlier? Is she officially Keith’s sister?
- What is the healing rate of these beings?
- We have a better understanding of how many of Koku’s peers died, Keith’s father, and how many members of Minatsuki’s group ended up with the Market Makers.
On The Fence
- Arguably, we’ve come to the point where we’re at a crossroad. If this episode didn’t win you over, or maybe push you to think this show can redeem itself, it might just be a downhill journey from here on out. I sort of have my fingers crossed, but my hope is waning.
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