1. You see how HARD and how INTENSE Darla was looking at her mom lol ? Like Darla is fighting so hard, to not just go OFF on her parents. To yell and scream at them for the SIX years of separation that they have had. I feel like Darla has a right to be a little upset at them. As far as we know, considering her parents didn’t know how old Blue was, that Darla’s parents did indeed (Like we first speculated) disown her, and kicked her out when she fell pregnant with baby Blue. Along with the fact that RA was also the father.

    1. Something tells me her mom is going to play innocent in all this. There was just something a bit too off about how calm and cool she was with Darla. Not to imply that she may not have known nothing, but with the way Darla, as you said, looked like she was about to snap on her, I need some Lorna level truth bombs dropped.

      1. That or maybe the mother is just in denial that for the last SIX years she and her husband have turned their back on their daughter.Despite their daughter giving birth to a son, going through a bout of addiction, then getting clean and sober from said addiction. For a parent that is a hard pill to swallow.

        1. Did you see the clip of Blue being anxious about meeting his grandparents? Including his grandpa?! Tonight is the night!!!!!!

    1. Sounds like they are about to fully expose and detail Darla’s life for us. Oh, thank you for sharing this (^_^)

      1. She wrote letters Amari, LETTERS! ! ? It’s one thing for the parents to not return her calls, but to not answer her letters. Everyone knows how personal, and how emotional writing a letter can be. You let the words come from your heart, your basically pouring your heart out. So, for Darla to write letters to her parents about Blue, about how sorry she was, how she missed her parent, and about how she was now clean and sober, and for them to STILL not give any sort of response to her, over the course of SIX years! Damn our girl has been through a world of hurt, and pain! ?

        1. But what got me is the fact her mom talking like she didn’t know a thing. Has the dad been throwing out letters and filtering phone calls? The mom is coming off a little too cool right now.

          1. We know from Darla that her old man ran the household. Darla even said that even if her mom did disagree with the dad, she never spoke up and said anything. So, it is clear that Darla had an understanding of what was going on with her parents, and how thing worked. So, I honestly wouldn’t put it past the dad, to doing something so twisted and evil like that. Throw out the letters, than the mother wouldn’t have any idea that their daughter wanted to reconnect with them.

            That or maybe the mother is just in denial that for the last SIX years she and her husband have turned their back on their daughter.Despite their daughter giving birth to a son, going through a bout of addiction, then getting clean and sober from said addiction. For a parent that is a hard pill to swallow.

  2. Whatever goes down, will she still be your # 1 character? Like I love Darla and BL but we all know when character f’s up we gotta call them out on it, ya know. Call a spade a spade. ♠️♣️? (Even though it will be HEARTBREAKING. ?)

    1. I mean, her and Charley are the only ones who get an emotional response out of me so even if she moves to number 2, I bet you she’ll bounce back season 3.

      I just can’t wait till Wednesday to know this dang secret. We’ve gone over so many theories, I’d like to know who was closest. If we even were close to the writers’ decision at all.

  3. Yeah but Darla working as “Star” is something that RA already’s knows. So, in terms of the secret I don’t know why Darla would say things like “please forgive me, and I have to take responsibility”. As far as we know she already did once her and RA had that “Discussion” about “Star” so it has to be something else. Charley as been so inviting with Darla, went to her 2 year sobriety celebration and all of that, so I don’t see how Darla’s history of being a sex worker would hit such a nerve for Charley where she (Charley) would fire Darla, unless Charley didn’t know all of the gritty details of Darla’s past, but I feel like the things that Darla was doing, isn’t a secret in the family. Unless, like I previously stated, she had just never met Darla, until she came for her father’s funeral and all of that you know. I guess in the long run it kind of makes sense, since Charley and Darla just started to have scenes together THIS season, and Darla and Nova have rarely interacted. And we know how Nova feels, Nova – (She can go this is a family matter) ?

    1. Hmm, I think one thing leads to the other. The newest idea is that to get back into her dad’s good graces, she does something to screw over Charley. Something that also screws over RA since now he can’t get the money he is owed for his harvest.

      Like I said earlier, it seems so long since Darla screwed up and with this being her time in the sun, I know it is going to be big. Just how big is the question.

      1. Whatever it is it will be heartbreaking to see.? Is it necessary though – maybe. Like you said, her name has been in the sun for sometime now lol I just hope that it isn’t too bad to where she ends up getting shunned by the family again, noting being able to see Blue and all of that. Which is why having Charley fire Darla really makes me nervous? Like it was is it? Because from what I gather, it seems like Charley fires Darla after she finds out or is told whatever the secret is, I’m guessing RA just tells the whole family.

        1. I too wonder how far this issue may go. If Charley fires her, does that mean the wedding might be off? Could it mean RA getting in his feelings and going as far as to try to get sole custody of Blue?

          It sort of saddens me that while Charley’s mom brought peace, Darla’s parents are raising hell.

  4. But why would Charley feel like she has to fire Darla? She can’t help that her dad knows the Landry’s ya know. And again we know how emotional and quick acting Charley can be, if things don’t go her way or if she doesn’t like how certain things go down, she goes off. So, finding out that her sister in law, as some sort of connection to the people who are trying to take down her mill and stuff, I get it, but damn!

    1. The Charley firing is what throws me off. Because, unless it’s petty, I can not fathom the reason. Even my dad being involved with the Landry idea, what is Charley going to do? Make her choose? Fire her for picking the wrong side?

      I mean, it has to do with money. Maybe her past John ends up being a potential client who gets fresh with Darla and she smacks him? Then, with Charley having to choose between money or Darla, she chooses money?

      1. I don’t think that Darla’s confession has anything to do with the will. Everyone has looked at the will, they would be able to tell the difference between Darla’s handwriting and their dad’s, especially Aunt Vi, also we saw the dad writing the will, and they had the narration of him reading the will too.

        I mean the Landry’s have been doing everything in their power since Charley got her mill to take her down, so I feel maybe that is what it could be. Charley just doesn’t like their her sister in law’s family has some sort of relationship with her enemies,well that could send Charley into a tell spin you know. Also the whole John thing could be a possibility as well. But the last episode is 90 minutes, it reads that RA sees if he can forgive Darla, so the outcome between the two of them can be anything. But Charley firing Darla is something that is really making my head spins as well ya know? Like damn, her parents doing whatever their doing with the Landry’s has nothing to do with Darla, especially if she hasn’t spoken to her parents in 6 years. It probably is a combination of everything, money, Landry’s, all of that.

        1. Pushing me to wonder, how much of Darla’s past does Charley know? She had a whole life in LA and barely visited, so how aware is she of Darla’s struggles?

          1. Charley probably never met Darla for all we know. Charley knows post addict Darla, not college Darla, or druggie, strung out Darla. So, whatever goes down it might feel like a real slap in the face for Charley. Charley helping Darla get a job, and the whole wedding dress situation, Charley is going to feel some sort of anger about the secret, even if it doesn’t directly effect her like it does RA, thus leading Charley to firing Darla. Plus, you know that the firing is going to be ugly, possibly yelling and door slamming lol I mean we know who Charley can get. ?

            1. And considering Darla is Charley’s only admin staff, that is going to be a major blow to the mill. Making me think, it has to be her being a sex worker that gets her fired. Why else show men in the area know her? This show foreshadows a lot so that has to be part of the problem.

  5. Also, I found the synopsis for the last three episodes of the season, they put even more emphasis on the Darla secret thing, I can share it if you want? I just wanted to ask you first. They aren’t spoilers just giving us a little breakdown of the episodes are going to be about.

      1. OK! ? But this is why I think that there has to be something more to Darla’s secret. Now, I don;t think it has anything to do with Blue, your right that would be too dramatic, but it has to do something with Darla and her parents. You have to scroll down bit to get to the QS part. ?

        HERE YOU GO! https://cf-media.press.discovery.com/ugc/highlights/2017/10/19/202316/November_2017_Highlights.pdf What ever is revealed by Darla – SHIT is going DOWN! ??

        1. I… I… The secret is so big that Darla gets fired? What in the hell could do all that? Did her dad prosecute Ralph angel? Was she someone who testified? What the hell?

          1. Dude, Amari the second that I read those things, ESPECIALLY that Charley fires Darla, MY MIND HAS BEEN SPINNING! Like is Charley just capping and sticking up for her brother RA, and feels like Darla deserves to be fired? Or does it have to do with something and the mill, like I DON’T KNOW lol Like shit writers, DON’T DO THIS TOO HER! ?

          2. Darla probably faked the signature on the “revised” will. Second guess is Ralph Angel isn’t Blue’s biological father.

  6. Yeah, that’s what I figured as well, but then she says things like “please forgive, and I have to take responsibility”, like if all it is,, is that she is rich, I don’t think that it would be that serious you know. Like it is RA and all that and we know know how emotional he can be, but I feel like he would understand Darla being a bit hesitant to tell him that she came from money.

    1. But considering he went to jail because he assumed they both have nothing and now he has a record, that is a major deal.

    1. Hmm… It is something she did that Ralph Angel doesn’t know about. I first thought maybe it could deal with Blue and her not knowing if he is RA’s but that is way too dramatic. So I’m switching to her probably revealing something to RA before her parents do or say something.

      1. Which is like why though? Like with everything we have seen from Darla these past two seasons, her crying all these tears for her parents, for there to be some big secret that RA doesn’t know about just seems weird to me, ya know. Seeing D build up all these relationships with Aunt VI, and Charley, and for all of that to possibly go to shit because of whatever D tells RA it’s just like really writers!?!?!?!?

        1. I think it is because Darla has been afforded a sainthood other characters haven’t gotten. Each one from Blue to Nova had a moment when they deserved to be side eyed for their actions. Darla, on the other hand, has all but played a victim. Someone on the path to redemption without any real bump in the road. So, in a way, she is overdue to do something wrong. Something fans can criticize.

          1. To an extant, but when Darla threw away Kenya, and Blue had that meltdown people were PISSED, I was too for a bit because it was like damn you just threw the doll away lol But I mean this seems like it is something big you know, like I just think that is weird that whatever she tells him, she felt like she could’t tell him until her parents were like physically there with her you know. So, it’s like now that her parents are there she feels like has to confess? What if they never came, would she have still told RA or what? Like I guess I’m just confused lol

            1. Imagine if it is something like, “I’m rich.” because I’m still a bit lost at what point in her life did they meet?

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