What Love Looks Like (2020) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)

Title Card - What Love Looks Like (2020)

In a film fit for Valentine’s Day, “What Love Looks Like” brings us the beauty of love as it begins and the mourning period when it is at its end.

In a film fit for Valentine’s Day, “What Love Looks Like” brings us the beauty of love as it begins and the mourning period when it is at its end.

Director(s) Alex Magaña
Screenplay By Alex Magaña
Date Released (Video On Demand) 1/19/2020
Genre(s) Comedy, Drama, Romance
Duration 1 Hour, 28 Minutes
Noted Cast
Nicole Kate Durocher
Owen Josh Gilmer
Finn Kyle Meck
Penelope Taylor Alexa Frank
Willow Gabriella Wisdom
Sam Nathan Kohnen
Evie Ashley McKenna
Theodore Jack Menzies
Bailey Ana Ming Bostwick-Singer
Jace Trevor Sean
Summer Jamie Shelnitz
Calvin Connor Wilkins

This content contains pertinent spoilers.

Plot Summary/ Review

In the film, we follow around 6 couples as they navigate the highs and lows of love. Some are dealing with the end of their relationship, either due to death or abandonment. Others are, through apps or in-person, are looking for love with, mostly, the best intentions. And for nearly every individual, while they have anxiety and fear slowing them down, there remains hope despite it all.

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Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. What exactly happened to Willow?


You’ll Be Invested In Nearly Every Couple

Usually, when you get a compilation of multiple stories that are either loosely tied together or not at all, there are some characters you favor more than others. Now, in the case of “What Love Looks Like,” I won’t pretend some need some time to grow on you, like Summer and Calvin, and maybe Penelope and Finn. However, by the time the film is over, you’ll love each character enough to want a follow-up.

But, as for the top couples? There are Theodore and Bailey, two people who meet in a dog park, then there is Nicole and Jace, who don’t necessarily meet at the best time, due to Nicole dating someone, but there is something there. Mostly Jace showing more effort than Nicole’s boyfriend Owen, but with how Durocher’s character is written and performed, we continue to see that Magaña has a real eye and talented pen when it comes to finding and writing for women in his films.

Leading to Sam and Evie. In many ways, Sam’s story could be something that could stand on its own considering it isn’t as light-hearted as the rest. It contains the kind of pain that even Nicole’s situation doesn’t have and while it didn’t bring us to tears, if you relate to Sam’s situation, it could stir up some feelings within you. Making him meeting Evie all the more emotional as Sam wrestles with his feelings and Willow.

The Effort Made To Create Unique Pick Up Lines

Two moments in the film, featuring Finn and Theodore, contain the kind of pick up lines or flirty moments that you may find yourself stealing. To just give you an idea of what is done, one includes asking someone to do a survey, and another is a trick to hold a girl’s hand. Both of which, at least for us, were creative and worth using in real life.

On The Fence

Wishing We Had At Least One Couple Who Was Happy From The End To The Beginning

Though by no means a big thing, it is unfortunate that for a film focused on what love looks like, nearly all relationships are shown either at their end or the beginning. Making it so the majority are still in that honeymoon/ infatuation phase and the only one that could be considered to be in the thick of it, that one isn’t one of the film’s big focuses.

Yet, it does set up a potential sequel considering how many new romances we see blossom.


Would Watch Again? – Worth Revisiting

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Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)

While “What Love Looks Like” may not be a tear-jerker, there is more than enough hear to stir your emotions and either make you feel lonely as hell, hopeful about love, or want to cuddle up with your significant other. For, overall, it is a feel-good movie about love and the pursuit of it. And while there are somber moments and times when a person feels the need to break up with someone, the film never feels bogged down by its moments to get real with its audience.

Hence the positive label. “What Love Looks Like” may not focus on love that has matured and has been tested, but it does present the kind of love we all seek out and wish to claim as ours.

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You’ll Be Invested In Nearly Every Couple - 89%
The Effort Made To Create Unique Pick Up Lines - 88%
Wishing We Had At Least One Couple Who Was Happy From The End To The Beginning - 75%


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