1. I think this movie was quite good. He portrayed an entitled milenial who was take take take. In his own mind everyone owed him and he always had a sob story. In retrospect he is realy quite a piece of s@it but everyone liked him cause he’s so easy going. But we all realise he is just a pathetic loser. In the end after failing to latch onto Kaley and getting a punch in the mouth for asking for money from the ex movie star. He ends up back at his wifes door broke pathetic … but will she take him back? I’d wstch the sequel. 7.8 out of 10.

  2. the problem is most people in real life, whether male or female arent the mesmerizing leading men and women we know in movies . It is this unrealistic expectations that can destroy an otherwise stable relationship. thinking that our commitment to a relationship depends on how Interesting the other partner is. Most thing in life arent that way honestly, especially when we mature and grow up. Im criticizing your analysis on hwy the woman would do to that to the uninteresting leading man as you said. But maybe you should also take a good look in the mirror.

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