A Bad Moms Christmas – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
A Bad Moms Christmas is one of those rare sequels which knows what made the first one good and hones in on that.
Whether you’ll have to go to the movies, download or stream, movies of this category are worth your time and money with few, if any, qualms from us.
A Bad Moms Christmas is one of those rare sequels which knows what made the first one good and hones in on that.
Though certain plot elements require more forgiveness than you may be able to muster, Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice) may end up being considered this year’s Your Name.
The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) is a reminder that most comedians, after their peaks in comedy are more history than current, can usually find new life in dramatic roles.
Horror comedies are usually downright terrible, but The Babysitter is not only an exception but makes a blueprint to follow.
In The Foreigner, Jackie Chan combines a timely backstory, mixed with a slightly generic plot, and the type of action you’d only expect from something with his name associated with it.
While, at first, the title of The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson may seem kind of off, what it is, is a reminder of how her legacy lives on through her years of activism.
Carla Gugino shows once again, in Gerald’s Game, she is perhaps one of the most underrated actresses of modern times.
Our Souls At Night continues to push that there is such a richness in storytelling Hollywood is missing out on by focusing solely on the youth.
Gaga: Five Foot Two reminds you that behind the pop icon Lady Gaga is Stefani Germanotta. A person, a woman, a world-renowned singer, but still a human being. One whose pain, both physical and mental, she lives with every day and has to fight off to live her dream.
Joey King continues to build up the idea that she is definitely someone to keep on your radar. For while Smartass kind of seems like a “meh” film, her persona makes it something worth seeing. As for why? Well, look below.
First They Killed My Father is perhaps the best war movie, be it theatrically released or online, in years. For it isn’t about patriotism but about history. One which this movie actually makes you want to explore further. Trigger Warning: Violent Images Used Below
In order to enjoy Home Again, I want you to strip away the idea you need the usual drama we see in movies and TV. For what seems to be the pursuit in Home Again is showing weird and complicated relationships. Ones which, by the grace of some other worldly being, come into our lives…
The big questions within Landline are how long a relationship can last? How strong can it be when faced with all the people you could be with, the failings of yourself or the other person, alongside the possibility of boredom? And lastly, can being chosen or choosing that other person be enough?
The Story of 90 Coins is the type of short you want to see become a full-length feature. For just the way it makes your heart beat quicken and brings tears to your eyes in just 9 minutes, it is like you are the one experiencing the whirlwind that is falling in love.
Without question, Girls Trip is the funniest movie I have ever seen PERIOD. All thanks to, not necessarily the established stars, per se, but Tiffany Haddish.
To The Bones makes it so you officially can’t say Lily Collins is living off her father’s name anymore. For she proves herself as an actress just as capable of being a romantic lead as someone whose story can be emotionally heavy and heartbreaking.
Sony, as Fox hopefully one day will do with the X-Men franchise, has given into the House of Mouse and let their property into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With that, we finally are given the Spiderman we deserve. Albeit one with the PG-13 humor of most Marvel movies, but this is a Spiderman for a…
There is this unfortunate need to compare films of marginalized people. Not to say one is better than the other, all the time, but because many are so used to just having that one shining star it is hard not to compare. With Kiki, I compared that to Paris is Burning and I feel the…
I don’t know about you, but that Rolling Stone quote “Baby Driver is beyond F***ing awesome” was not what made me wanna see this. If anything, it was a red flag. However, the romance between Baby and Debbie seemed cute, and the car scenes seemed beyond what we recently saw from The Fate of The…
In this coming of age story, a boy named Jack finds himself going from survival mode to potentially getting to a place of enjoying the life he was given.
A lot of musicians try to hold out for a theatrical release. For while The Temptations and surely the New Edition movie set precedents on the silver screen, there is nothing like your life story on the big one. However, while many have to remind the masses why their story matters that isn’t the case…
Pretend We’re Kissing is perhaps the realest romance movie dealing with an introvert male I have ever seen. Especially one paired with an extrovert girl.
One of the many preconceived notions I have about films is that non-English ones are more daring. Usually, this is in terms of violence[note]At least for films I take an interest in.[/note]. Something which can be used to up the stakes and shock you like in Elle or The World of Kanako. However, with Our…
While Marvel revels in quantity, we are reminded that DC is more than capable of eclipsing their rival. They did it once before with Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight franchise and seemingly could again with Wonder Woman.
I could kick myself for putting this movie off as long as I did. For out of all the movies which were on my Netflix watch list, this is the only one, thus far, I’ve enjoyed. Though, I should note, not without some caveats. Whether or not that should be seen as a deal breaker,…
When many think of protest and demonstrations in the modern age, Hong Kong isn’t perhaps what first comes to mind. In America, you’d think of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. In parts of the middle east, perhaps the Arab Spring. But when it comes to Asia, while they also have human rights issues, they don’t necessarily get…
Everything, Everything may truly be one of the few book adaptations that cut what was necessary, added what was needed, and casts everyone nearly perfectly.
In Get Me Roger Stone, Roger Stone is presented beyond the level of the Koch Brothers or any non-politician political figure you may know. For truly, the way this documentary presents him, he should be in history books.
It’s easy to forget that despite Marvel being known for its comic blockbusters, they can surprisingly bring you to tears. Just as Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 will do for you.
In many ways, I’m ashamed of myself. The name and works of James Baldwin are familiar in terms of title, but the person and characters within are foreign. Yet, no matter how many a Black artists or entertainers name drops him, or we see him pop up in the stories of others, I did not…
In The Morning is the type of film you have to give yourself time to process. For it forces you to think about what is said and makes you need time to deal with the thoughts and feelings it brings up in you. Especially since, when it is done, you can be just left overwhelmed…
Saban seems to have taken note of what made Marvel studios so effective with their properties and adapts their formula for the Power Rangers.
Burning Sands is everything GOAT was hyped up to be and more. To the point that putting them in the same sentence is damn near an insult.
Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale is perhaps the ideal movie for those who have followed the series since 2012. It features past characters, introduces a handful of new ones who easily integrate into the overall story, and it ends without pleasing for a sequel. It is simply the send off you wish more…
Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise is like reliving her books but with the added benefit of Dr. Angelou speaking and her friends and family chiming in on her story.
Documentaries, usually, are not about happy topics. They are about exposing someone’s suffering, sometimes their triumphs, but rarely is the most empowering tales without the shock someone survived all they were put through. So is the case of Audrie and Daisy in which one didn’t survive all they went through.
If Logan is representative of where the X-Men franchise, if not Marvel, is heading, prepare for more than likable characters and sarcastic moments. You may actually end up feeling something. To the point of tears.
My Brother, The Devil may not have any recognizable names to draw you in, but the trailer gives you a certain amount of intrigue. We see young love, violence, homosexuality and family. All together, the trailer sets you up and the movie knocks you out.
Like with Blackfish, I discovered the existence of The Invisible War through watching Bill Maher’s Real Time. The subject matter for The Invisible War, in some ways, shares some similarities with Blackfish in the sense that something preventable was ignored and covered up. But, rather than it be a whale which was the subject to…
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.