Lady-Like – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

Lady-Like - Title Card

Lady-Like has the vibe of a web series and it being a movie is ultimately upsetting for you are left wanting more.

Lady-Like Ending Explained (Spoilers)

Allie (Stephanie Simbari) at the end of the movie, in a restaurant.
Allie (Stephanie Simbari)

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As Luce makes clear, Allie is boy crazy, and as Kort made clear, Allie is also lazy, and that is part of the reason she is having trouble finding anybody. For while, yes, Allie is a type-A personality, and will accost men in public, she only puts in the required effort and not much more. So, after being told about herself, working out, cleaning her room, and reconciling with Kort, post blowing up Kort and Daniel’s relationship, it seems she is ready to be serious about what she wants. Which, depending on how you see the ending, could be serious about getting to know and love herself.

I say this because, Kort talks about hooking Allie up with Daniel’s friend, who likes Allie’s ass, but when she goes to a restaurant, all dressed up, she says she isn’t looking for anyone. Hinting to the idea, after taking cues from Kort’s life, to the point of not investing in her own, she is learning to take care of and love herself. Perhaps even taking herself out on a date rather than wait for some guy – especially one which seems to care more about her ass, maybe a hookup, than what she really wants. That is, everything Daniel has done for Kort.

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