Collected Quotes

A listing of quotes, and sometimes .gifs, ranging from TV shows and movies we’ve watched, books we’ve read, and more.



Monthly Collected Quotes

Quotes From TV Series

Miscellaneous Quotes (From Podcasts, Interview Series, and etc.)


Collected Quotes: Grisaia Series (Grisaia no Kajitsu | Le Fruit de la Grisaia / Grisaia no Rakuen | Le Eden de la Grisaia)

“In this world, when you face forward, that’s the future; When you look back, it’s a memory; and if you clip part of it out, that becomes a story. This is no more than a snippet of that story.” — “Vox in Box.” Grisaia no Kajitsu “At this point, no matter how I change, the…

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Collected Quotes: Game of Thrones (Season 4 – Present / TellTale Games)

The Best of Game of Thrones “I’ve had an exciting life, I want my death to be boring.” —  “The Sons of the Harpy.” Game of Thrones I have been a cynic for as long as I can remember. Everyone is always asking me to believe in things: Family, gods, kings, myself… It was often…