The Kings of Napa Cast & Character Guide

Information about OWN’s “The Kings of Napa,” including the latest information about its characters, organizations, locations, and more.

Spoiler Alert: This character guide likely contains spoilers. Additionally, some images and text may include affiliate links, meaning we may earn a commission or receive products if you make a purchase.

Information about OWN’s “The Kings of Napa,” including names of the actors, characters, organizations, locations, quotes from the series, and more.

Please Note: This content contains pertinent spoilers, descriptions are updated as new information is presented, images changed as better ones are captured, and this is not an exhaustive list of every cast member, guest star, or reoccurring role.

General Information

Network(s) OWN
Created or Developed By Janine Sherman Barrois
First Aired 1/11/2021

Groups & Organizations

  • House of King Wines (1.1): The family company which was birthed from Reginald’s money and August advocating that the winery would be a good investment

Notable Locations & Items

  • Napa Valley, California (1.1): Where the show takes place
  • Napa Republic (1.2): Reginald’s bank
  • Napa Prep High (1.5): Kelvin and August’s alma mater, where he was a football player and she was a cheerleader
    • Mascot (1.5): A tiger

Other Noteworthy Information

  • Time Passed (1.2) Three+ weeks pass since episode 1
  • Heritage (1.6): The name of the dessert wine
  • African Sleeping Sickness (1.7): The disease Melanie is suffering from which is caused by a TT fly bite

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August King (Ebonée Noel)

August King (Ebonée Noel) being introduced
August King (Ebonée Noel)

August is the golden child and middle child of Vanessa and Reginald King, who is poised to become the president of her family’s company after handling their marketing for years.

End of Season 1

August has not yet released her dessert wine but has weathered the storm of the family being blackmailed, issues with Bridgette, and also her worries about rekindling things with Kelvin. But with the board of Kings’ Wines not introduced, beyond her mother, while August got one notable set of victories this season, we haven’t learned if she got the major one she needs.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In Season 1

Quotes & Gifs

The setback is nothing like the comeback.
— August (1.3)

Vanessa King (Karen LeBlanc)

Vanessa King (Karen LeBlanc) talking about family
Vanessa King (Karen LeBlanc)

The matriarch of the King family is a mother of three and tries to maintain the façade things are fine between her and her husband. Even though, decreasingly, it seems supporting Reginald was worth her giving up her previous career.

End of Season 1

With learning the whole truth about Reggie’s affair and hearing Melanie’s side to that, and the death of their father, Vanessa has peace in her life for the first time in a long time. Including her kids, who learned some of her secrets from contemplating abortion to abandoning them, temporarily, to pursue her career.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In Season 1
  • Former Occupation (1.1): Formerly, Vanessa was an on-air personality
  • Health Issues (1.1): She was bulimic previously

Quotes & Gifs

That is what Black Girl Magic is for. Pretend you’re happy even when you’re not.
— Vanessa (1.2)

Decisions aren’t made when things are black and white, they’re made when they’re gray.
— Vanessa (1.2)

Time heals some wounds. Others heal like keloids.
— Vanessa (1.5)

Dana King (Rance Nix)

Dana King (Rance Nix) being introduced
Dana King (Rance Nix)

Dana is the eldest son who often finds himself butting heads with August since, while she is often rewarded and encouraged in the family business, he has to fight tooth and nail to be recognized and properly compensated for his contributions as the company’s CFO.

End of Season 1

While unable to run August out of the company, or at least get her to step down and make him president, Dana has tried. Unfortunately, though, he suffered more losses than wins this season, including losing his wife – mainly due to keeping things from her.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In Season 1
  • Education (1.1): He went to Harvard and Wharton and was a business graduate
    • Follow Up (1.4): Specifically, he went to Harvard for undergrad and Wharton for his MBA and graduated before 2010.
  • Birthday (1.5): Is in July
  • Vasectomy (1.8): Got one two years ago and didn’t tell Rose

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Christian King (Ashlee Brian)

Christian King (Ashlee Brian) talking about being bipolar
Christian King (Ashlee Brian)

Christian is the baby of the family who is very materialistic and struggles with bipolar disorder. But, as part of the family, naturally, he has a job in the family business. Specifically, he manages the winery’s bottling facility, despite having no applicable knowledge.

End of Season 1

While his brand of alcohol has yet to launch, with his girlfriend, he is planning to make a big splash soon and really make a name for himself.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In Season 1
  • Mental Illness (1.3): Reveals he is bipolar to the audience

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Rose King (Samantha Walkes)

Rose King (Samantha Walkes) being introduced
Rose King (Samantha Walkes)

Alongside being Dana’s wife, Rose is the head of PR for the King’s family business and is British by way of London.

End of Season 1

After being on Dana’s side about most things, and struggling to get pregnant, Rose slips. She and Bridgette kiss and that confuses things for her, and to make matters worse, a week later she learns her struggles with fertility is because of her husband having a vasectomy and not telling her. Then, on top of that insult, he reveals he has had an aversion to her being bi, and figured she’d leave him for a woman. Which, considering Rose’s relationship with Bridgette, she may just do.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In Season 1
  • Life Before Dana (1.3): Before meeting and marrying Dana, she was a writer working on a part-novel/ part memoir about a Black bisexual woman in the west end. However, she met Dana while spraying CK perfume at the mall and the rest is history.

Quotes & Gifs

She’s like a jigsaw puzzle, could break into pieces or be framed at any time.
— Rose (1.3)

Melanie Octavia Pierce (Devika Parikh)

Melanie Octavia Pierce (Devika Parikh) pushing her sister to investigate her husband
Melanie Octavia Pierce (Devika Parikh)

Melanie is Vanessa’s sister, Bridgette’s mother, who works for Doctors Without Borders as a traveling nurse, so she is often away.

End of Season 1

Melanie is still recovering in the hospital after a brain infection.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In Season 1
  • Gun Owner (1.4): Since being robbed in Sierra Leone, she keeps a gun on her
  • How She Got That Settlement Money (1.4): Melanie snitched on doctors getting kickbacks
  • Father’s Death (1.6): Her father’s death happened when she was 16 and was caused by her mother trying to beat her after coming home late and having a joint in her bag

Quotes & Gifs

There is a difference between secrets and things that are never said.
— Melanie (1.6)

Bridgette Pierce (Yaani King Mondschein)

Bridgette Pierce (Yaani King Mondschein) talking to her cousin
Bridgette Pierce (Yaani King Mondschein)

Unlike her mom, Bridgette’s presence is a constant in the King family household, especially since August is not only her cousin but her best friend. Though, mainly it is due to her being the vineyard manager for the House of Kings’ wine.

End of Season 1

After surviving the onslaught which came from everyone assuming she was the blackmailer, Bridgette comes back stronger than ever and positions herself in a place within Kings’ Wines so that she can’t be cast aside as August and the rest repeatedly did to her.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In Season 1
  • Hobbies (1.1): Is an artist
  • Age (1.1): Is 30+
  • Promotion (1.8): She is now Vice President of Kings’ Wines

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Yvette King (Heather Simms)

Yvette King (Heather Simms) making it clear not everyone in the family is bougie
Yvette King (Heather Simms)

Yvette is Reginald’s sister who loves a good wig and absolutely enjoys Melanie being back, for she is closer to Melanie than Melanie’s own biological sister.

End of Season 1

Yvette is engaged to Jason, despite him saying eyebrow-raising things.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In Season 1
  • Position (1.1): Is made the VP of Sales for House of Kings Wines and is the owner of a major wig line
  • Origins (1.5): She is from Oakland
  • Simple Beginnings (1.5): Her wig business started with selling wigs out of her trunk at church

Quotes & Gifs

Being at the rock bottom [teaches] you lessons that mountain tops never will.
— Yvette (1.2)

Reginald King (Isiah Whitlock Jr.)

Reginald King (Isiah Whitlock Jr.) having a cigar
Reginald King (Isiah Whitlock Jr.)

Reginald is the patriarch of the family who holds many secrets which could rock the family structure till it bends, cracks, and potentially breaks.

End of Season 1

He’s dead and most of the drama he left behind is resolved.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In Season 1
  • Occupation (1.1): Alongside being CEO, he is also a surgeon

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Sonya (Moni Ogunsuyi)

Sonya (Moni Ogunsuyi) greeting August
Sonya (Moni Ogunsuyi)

Sonya is Kelvin’s soon-to-be ex-wife with who he is still working out the kinks of their marriage dissolution with.

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Otis (Carson Durven)

Otis (Carson Durven) at work
Otis (Carson Durven)

Otis works in the vineyard and has been working for the Kings for at least 15 years.

End of Season 1

Despite accusations of him being the blackmailer, he still works for the Kings, and seemingly will get the investment in his own wine like Reggie promised.

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Kelvin (Curtis Hamilton)

Kelvin (Curtis Hamilton) flirting with August
Kelvin (Curtis Hamilton)

Kelvin is August’s high school sweetheart, and first, who is separated from Sonya and also handling Melanie’s legal issues.

End of Season 1

Despite him backing Bridgette, and making August feel unsupported, Kelvin is till in the process of rekindling that relationship as he ends his marriage and tries to take care of his kid.

Additional Information

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Quincy (Marc Senior)

Quincy (Marc Senior) talking to Dana
Quincy (Marc Senior)

Under the guise of being hired to be the head of security, Quincy’s true role is to be a private investigator to figure out who is extorting the Kings’ family every month.

End of Season 1

His side work, investigating August for Dana, is discovered, and with that, it seems his time working for the Kings comes to an end.

Additional Information

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Grace (Kimberly Huie)

Grace (Kimberly Huie) prepping for a competition
Grace (Kimberly Huie)

Grace is one of the Kings’ former vineyard managers who is being brought back to help August with her dessert wine.

Additional Information

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Sean (Wilex Ly)

Sean (Wilex Ly) and Shawn (Rodrigo Fernandex-Stoll) talking to the Kings
Sean (Wilex Ly) and Shawn (Rodrigo Fernandex-Stoll)

One half of Sean and Shawn, who own a competitor to the Kings’ Wine

End of Season 1

With the other Shawn, he sells his land and decides it’s time to go.

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Shawn (Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll)

Sean (Wilex Ly) and Shawn (Rodrigo Fernandex-Stoll) talking to the Kings
Sean (Wilex Ly) and Shawn (Rodrigo Fernandex-Stoll)

One half of Sean and Shawn, who own a competitor to the Kings’ Wine

End of Season 1

With the other Sean, he sells his land and decides it’s time to go.

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Sheila (Monique Paul)

Sheila (Monique Paul) talking to Christian about meeting his family
Sheila (Monique Paul)

Sheila is Christian’s girlfriend.

End of Season 1

She tricks Christian into working with some friends of hers and makes it appear Christian is a mark.

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Sandra Pierce (Diane L. Johnston)

Sandra Pierce (Diane L. Johnston) who is Melanie and Vanessa's mother
Sandra Pierce (Diane L. Johnston)

Sandra is Melanie and Vanessa’s mother who, thanks to having a mental illness, is in a psychological hospital in New York, where she is kept and isolated from the family.

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Jason Collins (Glen Michael Grant)

Jason (Glen Michael Grant) smiling at Yvette
Jason (Glen Michael Grant)

Jason is the head of a major distributor for wines, who has long avoided the Kings Wines’ various brands because he didn’t like any of their attitudes and personalities.

End of Season 1

Jason has proposed to Yvette after his company gets back in business with hers.

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McConnell (Oliver Dennis)

McConnell (Oliver Dennis) meeting up with Bridgette
McConnell (Oliver Dennis)

McConnell is a mysterious partner of Bridgette whose purpose isn’t revealed when introduced.

End of Season 1

It is revealed McConnell is actually Bridgette’s art dealer.

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Groesbeck (Benjamin Sutherland)

Groesbeck (Benjamin Sutherland) sharing gossip
Groesbeck (Benjamin Sutherland)

Groesbeck is a server at the restaurant August and her family frequent.

End of Season 1

He’s the blackmailer and the reason he blackmailed Reginald is that he feels Reginald cheated his, Groesbeck’s, grandfather for the land that they now own, and with Reginald selling some land to other people, but not Groesbeck, he feels what was rightfully his was stolen.

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DA Amanda Loggins (Rong Fu)

DA Amanda Loggins (Rong Fu) noting Kelvin got a uphill battle
DA Amanda Loggins (Rong Fu)

DA Loggins is the attorney assigned to Bridgette’s case in which she is charged with 8 counts of felony.

End of Season 1

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Cornelius (Jordin Hall)

Cornelius (Jordin Hall) and Ray (Quinn Martin) having a deal setup by Sheila for them to work with Christian.
Cornelius (Jordin Hall) and Ray (Quinn Martin)

Cornelius is one half of an investment team that Sheila introduces Christian to.

End of Season 1

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Ray (Quinn Martin)

Cornelius (Jordin Hall) and Ray (Quinn Martin) having a deal setup by Sheila for them to work with Christian.
Cornelius (Jordin Hall) and Ray (Quinn Martin)

Ray is one-half of an investment team that Sheila introduces Christian to.

End of Season 

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Everett James (Emmanuel Kabongo)

Everett James (Emmanuel Kabongo) introducing himself
Everett James (Emmanuel Kabongo)

Everett is a hotelier who has been buying local land and venues to make a 5 star resort. For example, he bought Shaun and Sean’s land from them.

End of Season 1

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