This Month on Wherever I Look – July 2017

Looking Back At June Numbers wise we are still living in a very post Thirteen Reasons Why boom era. However, new things are moving their way up the top 10 lists. For a moment there was this vibe, as I posted my collection of .gifs to maybe make that a thing again. It is still being…

Looking Back At June

  • Numbers wise we are still living in a very post Thirteen Reasons Why boom era. However, new things are moving their way up the top 10 lists.
  • For a moment there was this vibe, as I posted my collection of .gifs to maybe make that a thing again. It is still being considered but just like it isn’t always that easy to find a quote which really says something, there isn’t a huge amount of moments which make me want to take the time to make a .gif. Which can be a very simple process, but a real pain if I don’t want some company’s tag or something like that.
  • I decided to buy a Yoast SEO Premium key and it wiped out all of my meta descriptions. Which, I mentally just can’t bring myself to re-write for the reviews. I’ll probably, eventually, do so for pages and quote posts, but not for every single last review. I’m barely keeping up with the “From the Archives” posts as is.
  • I finally gave in and started to just have images hosted on the server. I tried the Google Photos work around and I still was having issues. So, I’ll just bite the bullet. It isn’t like unlimited space on my web host’s server isn’t only a few more dollars a month. Assuming I ever need it.

Looking At To July

New Series

I really don’t know if I ever had this much anime planned before. Just this week alone I’m checking out ten series premieres. I feel like that might be a record for me. Though I got to admit, outside of Princess Principal, I’m not 100% sure what any of these shows are about without looking at their description.

Switching to live action, There isn’t a lot of new things I’m sure I’ll cover. Snowfall premieres on the 6th, but with that being a movie day and Queen Sugar already on that day, I don’t know if I can muster the mental fortitude required for 2 hour long shows, The Carmichael Show and a day I often go to the movies on. Can I just push it to Friday? Yeah. However, with Netflix premiering their shows and documentaries on Friday, plus me usually being spent because of the week, it doesn’t seem like the best idea. Much less, when I don’t cover shows on Thursday, and they get pushed to Friday, usually something gets pushed back to Saturday. And while some shows get consistent numbers, I don’t know if said consistent numbers would remain if the show recap/ review wasn’t posted in a certain time frame.

With that said, I’m really only excited for The Bold Type and Raven’s HomeThe Bold Type I will marathon if FreeForm releases all the episodes. This is something you’ll probably see me do less of, because of how tiring it is, but I think I’ll like the show enough to survive. As for Raven’s Home, being that it seems like an old school Disney show, it maybe a pilot and season review and that’s it. For I don’t know if my nostalgia will be strong enough to buy a season pass.

Returning Series

It’s almost time to renew my HBO Now subscription since they finally have something to watch. Granted, its only Game of Thrones and Insecure, but they are worth the money.


Let me stick to what I know I’ll be seeing. I got my ticket for Spiderman and am ready to deal with comic book fanboys. The kind who talk too much, seem kind of misogynistic, and I can imagine talking crap about all these non-white love interests they got Peter Parker eyeing. But, they can choke on a wad. I’m tired of interracial romance on film but hey, yay for Black actresses getting work. Even if all the big roles for the 16 – 24 age group seems to only really go to bi-racial and light skinned Black women. No shade.

Outside of Spiderman, I’m looking forward to “To The Bone” featuring Lily Collins. For while I have her sort of pigeonholed as a love interest type actress, she seems like she may do something with this role. Maybe break the idea she solely gets work because of nepotism/ having a famous father Her father is Phil Collins – Who is known for the Tarzan soundtrack. Of course among other things, but I can’t think of anything else.. Oh, I should also note her series The Last Tycoon is going to have its first season premiering at the end of the month. I’m trying to remember if I liked it.

Lastly, Jessica James, from The Daily Show is finally going to put out something. At first, like many, I thought it would be a series but alas it is a movie. But it is on Netflix so one could lead to the other.

Live Performances

I’m definitely seeing Jill Scott and will let you all know how that goes. From listening to The Read, I have been made aware the way she remixes the hits is a bit funky. Not the good kind but the more musty version. So that is one thing to worry about. However, she does grown and sexy concerts so at least I know I can sit and not worry about my feet hurting the next day.

A part of me is tempted to see Tank and The Bangas but after listening to their work on Spotify, and not just their Tiny Desk concert, I don’t know about that.


Surpassing Certainty is my main focus and then I’ll return back to IT.

New Features

Though not necessarily something new, I do plan on doing season reviews more. This may especially be done for shows, like Netflix programming, which releases a whole season at once. I may even make a new template for it. One which probably notes major moments and all that. But that is still up in the air. As of now, I’m just trying to create the type of summaries where if there is another season, I can just read through the season review to get the gist. And of course you as well.

As always, the often changing calendar contains all that is currently planned for the month. Check it out for the most up to date schedule of what is to come next here on Wherever I Look

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