See You Yesterday Q&A From the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival

A Q&A from the Tribeca Film Festival featuring Writer/ Director Stefon Brital, co-writer Fredica Bailey and the stars.

A Q&A from the 2nd screening of “See You Yesterday” from the Tribeca Film Festival featuring Writer/ Director Stefon Brital, co-writer Fredica Bailey (whose audio we apologize for), as well as stars Eden Duncan-Smith, Dante Crichlow, and Brian “Stro” Bradley.

Check out our movie review below:

See You Yesterday (2019) – Summary, Review (With Spoilers)

Also, our review of the short the 2019 film is based on:

See You Yesterday – Short (2017) | Summary, Review (with Spoilers)

As well as other Q&As we’ve recorded:

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