Coming Soon: Killer Unicorn (2018)

Title Card - Killer Unicorn

A new serial killer is born and this one wasn’t created thanks to a bunch of teens, but due to a handful of drag queens.

A new serial killer is born and this one wasn’t created thanks to a bunch of teens, but due to a handful of drag queens.

Director(s) Drew Bolton
Screenplay By Jose D. Alvarez
Date Released June 14th, 2019 (Theatrical)

July 9th, 2019 (DVD, VOD)

Genre(s) Horror, Comedy
Good If You Like The Idea Of A Queer Focused Horror Movie
Isn’t For You If You Aren’t Into What Likely Will Be A Bit Campy
Noted Cast
Danny Alejandro La Rosa
Unicorn Dennis Budesheim
Madame Mortimer Markus Kelle
Coke Monica Garcia Bradley


Danny is your average Brooklyn party boy. This year, he and his friends couldn’t be more excited about the upcoming “Brooklyn Annual Enema Party”; one of Brooklyn’s biggest party events! While the night starts out fun, it quickly takes a turn when Danny is attacked by a stranger. He survives, but now a year later, Danny decides to give his social life a second chance. Wrong choice – as Danny and everyone else who helped him that night, are in danger. A man wearing a unicorn mask is killing off one queen at a time, and he won’t stop until he has his revenge.

The film’s homepage:

Listed Under Categories:

  • Plot and Dialog - /100
  • Character Development and Performances - /100
  • Visuals and Sound - /100
  • Pacing - /100
  • Value For Intended Audience - /100
User Review
1 (2 votes)

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