1. “Do you count Nick as a person of colour?”

    When it comes to actors who pass, I generally don’t consider their characters of the same ethnic/cultural background as them unless it is explicitly said and I believe Nick’s backstory didn’t mention him being mixed.

    “Does it strike you as odd that this series went to extreme lengths to make inclusivity an option, then did very little with the concept of racial relations?”

    I’ve learned a long time ago that most shows present a shallow form of diversity which doesn’t often go past you physically seeing people who are different skin tones. As for actually addressing their different cultures, how they clash or how they are similar? Usually, unless the show is focused on a Black character, Latinx, etc., more often than not that gets ignored. It’s like how a lot of movies seem to have added that one Asian character in hopes to open in the Chinese market. I’d submit it isn’t about inclusivity as much as avoiding controversy and doing the absolute minimum.

    “Do you miss Commander Pryce?”

    Honestly, I just miss authority figures seeming competent. The way Gilead is ran, and what we’ve seen of the people who run it, it makes you wonder how did they dominate so much of the country and still hold onto it? So, more so, I missed how commanders were written in early seasons before, in order to bolster June and her allies, they dumbed them down.

    “Doesn’t it strike you as a bit odd that there’s no build up of resentment and backlash from the general male population of Gilead that The Commanders are allowed to be unfaithful on a regular basis, but horny working-class males are put to death for adultery?”

    Yes and no. In many ways, I feel like the modern version of The Handmaid’s Tale is reactionary to the current administration of the United States. So, it makes it where everyone knows those in power are hypocrites and yet things are treated with an almost indifference. A sort of, those in power will always get to do as they please so why make a big stink of it?

    “The depiction of Fred’s downfall here strikes me as less plausible than the novel… the man was never terribly bright, but how incredibly dense do you have to be, to fall for such an obvious trap?”

    To me, Fred’s downfall was less about his intelligence and more about showing how much he truly loved Serena Joy and how much power she truly did hold over him. Heck, that maybe, despite it all, he really did love her and trusted her with his life. Which, as with June, his love, lust, need to be validated, led to his downfall.

    “Canada hasn’t acted all that concerned about the possibility of military conflict with Gilead so far, something else that strikes me as bizarre.”

    The Nichole situation did cause some worry of a military conflict, so we were told during the initial negotiations. However, since then, I think the idea has been that going to war would be mutually assured destruction. Canada is Gilead’s neighbor and likely one of their main suppliers of resources. So to go to war with them, while also dealing with most of the world not recognizing them as a sovereign state, would be dangerous.

    Though, let’s not forget that Canada has been provoking military aggression for a long time. With being a refugee state, taking in whoever escapes Gilead, it isn’t like Canada hasn’t protected not just kids like Nichole but harbored those like Emily – people well known for assault and murder.

    “I find it implausible that the kitchens, bathrooms and staff-quarters at Jezebels wouldn’t be bugged, especially since this society isn’t concerned with concealing the behaviour of The Commanders.”

    A part of me thinks the issue is resources. With Gilead isolated as it is, they don’t have the fanciest technology in residential homes/ suburban areas. Those resources, energy and tech, are regulated to hospitals, the city, and government buildings. Hence the age of Fred’s laptop, Joseph’s phone a 90s relic, and most members of The Eye only having armor and guns. Much less, with the internet so limited, maybe they have it where the tech needed for truly monitoring as you’d think they would is avoided out of fears of espionage?

  2. I couldn’t resist reading your recap, even though I couldn’t bring myself to watch the whole episode… I guess I had this morbid curiosity to know exactly how June messed up her latest poorly-thought-out and ill-prepared plan. Even if I could do without yet another rape scene, so thanks for sparing me that by writing this recap.

    With regards to your remark about lack of Asian characters… do you count Nick as a person of colour? Max Minghella is half-Chinese, on his mother’s side, and he has some Italian and Jewish ancestry on his father’s side of the family tree. But yeah, unless you count Nick then Billy is the only character of Asian ancestry with any substantial role in three seasons.

    Does it strike you as odd that this series went to extreme lengths to make inclusivity an option, then did very little with the concept of racial relations?
    In the novel/movie, Gilead is a white-supremacist society that has committed acts of ethnic-cleansing and every single character with a speaking role is white.
    The Hulu series changed the nature of this society so that all the racist politics were removed, it made Luke and Moira black, made Nick mixed-race… and then didn’t really do much in terms of exploring the broader implications of these changes.

    Also, do you miss Commander Pryce? He seemed to be the only male authority figure we’ve seen so far who genuinely believed in the religious convictions he espoused and fully understood the emergent social structure. Killing him off meant that there was not a single Commander who whole-heartedly embodies the ideals of the regime… Winslow, Waterford and Lawrence are all two-faced.

    The depiction of Jezebels in this series is weird. The novel depicted this club as a closely guarded secret that only a small section of the ruling class even knows about – the epilogue states that once the existence of this club became known, then the majority of Gilead’s leadership (who are true believers) instigated a purge of “moral degenerates” in the ranks of officialdom and Fred was executed for his philandering (that, and he was labelled as “having liberal tendencies”)…. but in the Hulu series, Jezebels appears to be common knowledge, to the extent that people on the street have heard of it. The male rulers regularly sleeping around seems to be much more widely and casually accepted in the series, even after the existence of Jezebels has been exposed to the international media…. and doesn’t it strike you as a bit odd that there’s no build up of resentment and backlash from the general male population of Gilead that The Commanders are allowed to be unfaithful on a regular basis, but horny working-class males are put to death for adultery???

    The depiction of Fred’s downfall here strikes me as less plausible than the novel… the man was never terribly bright, but how incredibly dense do you have to be, to fall for such an obvious trap???

    Also, I wonder why Canada would risk provoking military aggression with such an obvious stunt…. more than once I’ve been wondering what happened to America’s vast military arsenal. They can’t have used it all up in the nuclear exchange that resulted in the “Colonies” being irradiated (the number of a-bombs it would take to pollute a country to the extent depicted onscreen is actually quite small)… also, I wonder what the current military capabilities of Canada are and how much they could plausibly build up in the time period depicted in this TV series…. Canada hasn’t acted all that concerned about the possibility of military conflict with Gilead so far, something else that strikes me as bizarre.

    Also, with regards to The Marthas… once again, I am reminded of the chronic lack of security cameras and bugging devices in what is supposedly a fascist police-state. The dystopia of George Orwell’s novel “1984” had surveillance devices installed in every home and public building – and that story was written in 1948… I find it implausible that the kitchens, bathrooms and staff-quarters at Jezebels wouldn’t be bugged, especially since this society isn’t concerned with concealing the behaviour of The Commanders.

    I’m reminded of my own work experience in Australia, a democratic country… in any modern hotel, there are security cameras situated in the corridor, reception, kitchen area and restaurant. Carting off a body wouldn’t be that easy – I would logically expect things to be even harder to pull off in a fascist society where the police don’t need a warrant for surveillance or raids.

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