1. “There are only so many instances of incompetence Gilead can have before they become too much of a joke.” – you say… and I say it has already become too much of a joke, so I’m not watching after this episode – to see if June becomes a futuristic Pied Piper Of Hamelin… or if she just bungles it like every other time she’s come up with some hare-brained resistance scheme, and afterwards receives some trifling punishment that seems overly light in comparison to supporting characters who received harsher penalties for lesser offences.

    How is June NOT in prison already???? She is obviously guilty of attempted murder, incitement to violence, assault… actions which are considered criminal even in a democratic society. She wasn’t very discreet in going about these things, I find it incredible that there was no security camera footage from the supermarket or hospital that caught her red handed…. and no witnesses coming forward to report some of her other blatantly public violations of orthodoxy… Gilead is supposedly a futuristic, totalitarian police-state. But they can’t deal with a criminal whose actions would’ve easily been spotted in any contemporary Australian shopping mall.
    (or a contemporary American one for that matter. I don’t know what contemporary US Police Surveillance technology is like, but here in Adelaide, there are security cameras in practically every single public street, restaurant, business and community facility… and if you’re found guilty of attempted murder, assault or incitement to violence, you’ll be imprisoned for years. I assume it’s much the same in the US today?)
    June’s fertility in the midst of a sterility-epidemic doesn’t strike me as enough of an excuse for her to be allowed all these second chances from the authorities… she doesn’t have to be free to get pregnant… and again, I’m reminded that in present-day, democratic Australia, pregnant criminals are still incarcerated in prison for most of the time they are with child. I presume it’s like that in contemporary America too???
    So yeah, in short, none of the things June did in this episode should’ve happened. It makes no friggin’ sense and it really diminishes the setting’s credibility if the protagonist, in some ways, is doing better than you’d expect someone who committed the same crimes today in a more liberal society.

    As for Lydia…. I got the impression that in the novel, The Aunts were each in charge of a specific district and their roles were limited to a specific sphere – just being wardens, guards, teachers and mouthpieces for religious-sermons/state-propaganda…. but at this point, the series has thrown so many details of Atwood’s world away, that its kind of pointless to look to the book in order to fill the gaps in the series world building.

    Did you also find it stupid that Fred was pushing for the government to put pressure on The Commanders to abide by the scriptural doctrine they impose on others??? Doesn’t he realises that he risks putting his own head in the noose if his DC buddies ever find out he’s been regularly sleeping with prostitutes???
    And that brings up another implausibility – how has Fred’s involvement with the illicit brothel not been found out yet??? A whole lot of letters from various sex-slaves have been smuggled out to Canada and put on the internet… and if none of those mentioned Fred by name then surely Moira would’ve said something to her activist associates by now and made it common knowledge.
    How is it that the top-brass are taking this buffoon seriously??? Why is he even still in this show???

    Whatever, I’m done. Life is too short to keep watching a show where I spend the majority of the running time either disgusted by the gratuitous violence, infuriated by the stupidity of the main characters or baffled by the illogical world-building.

    Thankyou for blogging about it anyway, I don’t think I would’ve made it this far if it wasn’t for your witty commentary. Maybe I’ll check into your blog again when you’ve done the end of season wrap up and see if any of my predictions turned out, but I don’t think I can stomach the thought of actually watching another episode again.

    1. In America we’re very weird about a sense of “Big Brother” watching so while there are cameras around, there aren’t so many, never mind in high definition, to solve notable crimes. In my area, they are more useful for cops who want to issue speeding tickets or vehicular violations more than anything else.

      And, yup, we incarcerate pregnant women and if family members can’t take care of the baby, they are put into the foster care system.

      Let’s be honest here when it comes to Fred, he has been looked down upon for years and this taste of power from Commander Winslow has gone to his head. Especially considering he isn’t able to have June and all this power as well. So between what he has done to Commander Lawrence and those who won’t be happy the architect was put under such surveillance, karma is going to bit him in the ass eventually. But, when it comes to the letters, I don’t think that will affect Fred due to the society being patriarchal. Likely, they see him spreading his seed and satiating his desires as something a man can’t help but do. Hence many members who are Eyes, or other sects, not saying much – like Nick for example.

      And I thank you for sticking along this far. It’s always nice to hear a different perspective and get some context. But I do understand your frustration has come to a point this likely feels like undue torture.

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