1. Hi Amari!

    I still really dislike that the writers killed off Asher. It was bad enough when their motive was to show that “hate is bad”. But to kill off Asher so Dr. Lim can become a better person? That’s even worse! Sort of like you wrote, using a beloved character’s death as motivatation feels cheap, and it’s lazy writing. With Dr. Lim’s mother visiting, that opened the door to other possibilities for Dr. Lim’s motivation, and Asher would still be alive. The whole thing is beyond frustrating!!

    I am hopeful this is the end, or at least a reduction, of the annoyingness that is Charlie! Maybe now Dom will get more of a story line that he deserves. Even that small spotlight of his this episode was very interesting!!

    Side note: As someone on another website noted – Isn’t there another hospital in San Jose? Couldn’t some of the patients go there? Or were there soooo many injured people that St. Bon. got only some of them?! (Usually I’m very good at suspending disbelief, but I made the mistake of reading that before I watched the episode. Oops. 🙁

    1. Honestly, for a final season, I feel like “The Good Doctor” is pushing the idea it will end with an ellipsis than a exclamation mark so far. But, I honestly doubt this is the end of Charlie and Shaun having issues. Shaun didn’t win everyone over in a day and I doubt Charlie will within a few weeks, or months.

      But, considering we’re supposed to get some returns in the tail end, I’m looking forward to that.

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