1. Hey Amari, guess what? Salen used her big-girl voice for the entire episode!! That means I wasn’t pulled out of the episode by hearing a loopy, little-kid’s voice coming from an adult, and thus could appreciate her character for what it was – an administrator more concerned for the bottom line than the patient’s well-being. And you’re right in that it makes for a very interesting storyline and Salen a very interesting character. It also presented a different angle to the 2 medical cases of the week, especially the bicyclist. I also like how she handled Shaun and then hung that big poster of him. I did not see that coming!

    Unfortunately, there were other storylines as well. I didn’t mind Jordan and Asher. I found their conflict interesting. Plus, I used to like it when Dr. Lim would shut down whatever problem or argument Shaun was having while everyone was in the operating room because she would end Shaun’s argument with such style and good humor. So it was nice to see Dr. Lim do that again with Jordan and Asher’s conflict. But OMG, Alex and Morgan’s storyline?!? If the best thing the writers can come up with is a storyline about passing gas, then just break these two up immediately!! In fact, that would be 100% more interesting then the dreck we were forced to watch. Remember when I wrote how I wish they would just cast some hunk for Morgan to date? They did it for Dr. Lim, with Mateo, so why not with Morgan? Then Alex can get all jealous, and we don’t have to watch an episode about them farting. What’s next, burping? How about them chewing with their mouths open? Just pathetic!!

    And Lea was obsessed with the “Save the Date” card sent to Shaun’s mother. That wasn’t so bad, but she kept interrupting Shaun at the hospital to talk about it. It was like the writers were trying to get Lea into the episode but weren’t sure how, so they had her keep bugging Shaun while he was working. How about discussing this at home? Or during your time off? At least they weren’t discussing passing gas!

    1. You could say Lea interrupting Shaun at work was mirroring when he does the same to her throughout the day.

      I feel like Morgan got too big on the show and this is the writers way of trying to bring her back down to a expendable supporting role. I would say something about Alex, but at this point, what is there to say which can be considered nice? He has overstayed his welcome, the show seems unsure what to do with him, and thus we get a storyline about people passing gas.

      1. I tried replying to your comment, but when I clicked on “Post Comment”, it disappeared. So I’m writing it again.

        Excellent point with Lea interrupting Shaun at work just like Shaun interrupts Lea at work!

        It’s a shame the writers want to bring Morgan down to an expendable and supporting role, especially with Claire gone! Maybe Morgan could try to take over the clinic, now that its budget has doubled (or has it tripled?). And then she can butt heads with Salen when a poor person needs an expensive operation. Wait, that would leave Alex out in the cold. And TPTB would never allow Alex to be ignored. So much for that idea!

        1. I think that’s a brilliant idea! Morgan is a fighter and it could actually bond her with Alex, in terms of recognizing Salen’s changes come at a price.

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