1. Hey there Amari! Once again great review! Long time no see lol I just have to comment on our fave non-aging actress Bianca Fucking Lawson, excuse my language but her scene with RA in my opinion was an absolute MASTER CLASS in ACTING! Bianca did that! If looks could kill. Darla’s face when she was looking at RA as he ONCE AGAIN told her the truth about his various never ending illegal activities was powerful. That look on her face was pure DISGUST! That look said “so you lying again, your doing shady shit again, and bitch I knew you was doing stupid shit” lol when Darla said that he (RA) made her doubt herself that was shit was powerful!

    All this time Darla has been begging for RA to let her help him but no it’s always about his damn pride! For years Darla took so much shit from RA’s family took everything that they threw at her with her head held high, and took every hit on the chin and kept it moving for the sake of her mental health, her sobriety, for the love of her son. Only to have her spot blown the fuck up by Nova’s nosey, disgusting ass! Then once again dug herself up from the pits. Got her boyfriend’s love back and he is now her husband, was able to win over his judgemental hypercritical family members, remained a strong figure with her son Blue, is about to be a mother again, and got the love of her parents back, and now RA goes and does this! Darla does not need all of this STRESS!

    I swear if something ends up helping to Darla and the baby because of RA’s bullshit I am going to be pissed. At this point Darla needs to pack up and go back to D.C. with her parents and Blue for a bit. All of this shit because of RA’s Pride!?!?!?!

    1. Honestly, I’m surprised Darla’s mom and Blue aren’t checking in more or visiting. This is a momentous occassion and I think we haven’t heard Blue’s name uttered in how many episodes now?

      1. Me too. Apparently Blue is going to be on a new season of a show that is on Disney+ that will be coming out next year so that is the reason why his character has been MIA lol But considering out traumatic the show made with having RA(the dummy lol) and Vi (so over her to be honest) fall out over RA and Darla making the decision in letting Blue go away I wish we could have seen Blue interacting with his other set of grandparents. I know that we are in a Pandemic right now and Blue was filming for a different show as well but I wish that the show would get off the farm once and a while. I know certain shows that are based on on family and their lives usually don’t have the characters going all over the map in terms of different storylines but having other characters especially important characters like Darla having their own story and their own development away from her said relationship with RA and the B family would have been cool to see.

        Like when Darla went back to D.C. at the end of season 2 I would have loved to see how her and her parents ended up working on mending their relationship. What was the conversations like? I mean for Darla to be at her lowest at the end of season 2 to come back with a paid off house, a new car, and a job ( which she got that on her own course) would have been nice to see you know. Especially seeing how her dad Quincy ended up forgiving Darla and letting her back into his life.

        Hell I would have given anything to see how Darla’s parents reacted to Nova’s book and what Nova wrote. I mean as we know Nova put all of Darla’s shit out there, her proustite name, talked about she was on her back drugged out with some man all of that. For Nova’s book to have been a best seller they had to have heard about it all the way in D.C. right?

        I know QS ain’t the Darla show lol but for the show to be on it’s 6th season and Darla being such an important character I wish that we got a little bit more show instead in of tell when it comes to her character.

        P.S. It finally took 6 seasons but somebody finally made Vi speechless aka shut her up lol

        1. I FEEL THE SAME!

          I love the Bordelon family, but there are times I feel like they are in a perpetual cycle that gets way too formulaic. That’s why season 5 was so refreshing, because it left behind the newest Landry threat, Nova’s mouth getting her in trouble with family or the law, Aunt Vi trying to twist a situation to make herself the victim, and Ralph Angel showing he is Nova’s brother, and aunt Vi’s nephew, by being stubbornly wrong and starting unnecessary fights.

          Which isn’t to say I want this show to end but, I must admit I could use a break from RA, Nova, and Vi. This is why Micah and Charley have my eye this season since they leave St. Jo which increasingly feels stagnant.

          And when it comes to Darla, I want to see her dad since his disappearance makes you wonder what is going on? We see Darla’s mom occasionally but her dad has been absent since we saw him in the flesh, and I don’t know if Darla even pretends like she has talked to him…

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