1. Hi Amari! First of all, where do you find the time to watch everything and write your reviews?!? I still haven’t seen the 2nd episode of “Our Kind of People”. Plus it’s Friday, and I finally got around to watching The Good Dr.

    They say great minds think alike, which must be why I agree with everything you wrote. Especially about missing Claire. I adored her, she was my 2nd favorite character, yet Salen was so weird and loopy that she did a great job of distracting me from the fact that Claire was gone. I’m not sure if that was one of the writers’ intentions with Salen, but kudos anyway.

    And Mateo and Dr. Lim – Yes, they are kind of dull now that everything is safe and cozy and permanent here in the U.S. And I like your comment about how Mateo was a character just created to be Dr. Lim’s love interest. I agree. I hope there is conflict in their very near future to liven things up, maybe with Mateo not liking having his girlfriend be his boss, or something like that.

    I seem to remember Jordan and Lea bonding last season, maybe. Perhaps Andreas will remember.

    I remember Allegra! I think with Salen on board, that puts the final nail in Allegra’s coffin!

    1. LOL I don’t – hence why I’m sometimes days behind.

      My hope is that Salen isn’t a one-trick pony who becomes a nuisance as she goes from an assumed guest star to a reoccurring role. Her eccentricities were entertaining, but I’m unsure how they will be weeks on weeks.

      1. Feel free to be days behind when replying to my comments! 🙂

        I don’t think Salen will be as loopy and weird going forward as she was in this episode. It seemed to me as soon as Dr. Andrews discovered her real illness, she got very serious. Here’s hoping she continues to be serious now that she is a board member(?)/hospital owner(?)/whatever.

      2. And… we’re back. Hi, Emily and Amari! 😉

        Emily, in fact, I remember Jordan and Lea bonding. It started in episode 4.16 “Dr. Ted” with Jordan telling the story about losing her tortoise at Lea’s bedside and was continued with her visiting Lea’s office in the subsequent episode, delivering the sentiment about mourning the past vs. the future.

        As often with this show, most of the actual bonding then happened off-screen and we are only privy to it by witnessing the results.

        Speaking in general I very much enjoyed this season opening. It densely packed a lot of new possible stories into 44 minutes – which is an accomplishment in itself – and did so with a cast that was a joy to watch.

        The new dynamic between Jordan and Asher was pure fun. And of course, with the introduction of Salen Morrison the dynamics within St. Bonaventure will change considerably.

        Some characters will embrace what is to come, some will reject it. New battle lines are about to be drawn.

        It is worth to note that this Salen Morrison seems to have taken a special interest in women in positions of power as seen in her remark about the chief of surgery being female. It is also remarkable the new character hasn’t met the titular character yet, but was very deliberately introduced to Glassman, Lim and Lea.

        The we may assume that these characters will play key roles in the takeover of St. Bonaventure by EthiCure Medical.

        1. Welcome back Andreas! I knew you would remember Jordan and Lea’s bonding last season. And of course you remembered the episode name and number it took place in. Very impressive!! Now that you have described it, I remember it, too.

          I noticed Salen did not meet Shaun since she was treated by the team Shaun was not on. I didn’t think anything of it then, but I suppose it will be an issue in the next episode when she does end up meeting him.

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