The Good Doctor: Season 7 Episode 10 – Review/ Recap [Series Finale]
In “The Good Doctor” series finale, it is do or die when it comes to Dr. Glassman and Claire, and a ten-year time jump reveals the results.
In “The Good Doctor” series finale, it is do or die when it comes to Dr. Glassman and Claire, and a ten-year time jump reveals the results.
“The Good Doctor” returns for its final season and as Shaun returns to work after Steve’s birth, so brews a major change for a few others.
This episode acts as a backdoor pilot for “The Good Lawyer,” which leads to the question: Will that potential show be worth seeing?
Dr. Lim continues to seek validation that Shaun did something wrong, as we meet two patients, a mental professional and one who has a mental illness.
While it seemed the major storyline would be Shaun and Lea getting down the aisle, a new character may make that a secondary issue.
A trip to Guatemala to perform life-saving or altering surgeries begins, but with only 12 who will get the privilege of medical care, it weighs heavy on everyone.
The Good Doctor moves beyond its usually subtle recognition of race and gets very in your face about how it plays a role in medicine and at the hospital.
As we end the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on The Good Doctor, we lose cast member(s), but a few gain what they need to press on so the season can truly begin.
Weeks have passed since the 3rd season finale, and with “The Good Doctor” integrating COVID-19 comes a show with renewed energy.
In part 1 of the season 3 finale of “The Good Doctor,” an earthquake hits that puts many series regulars in a dangerous, potentially life-threatening situation.
As the possibility of Dr. Melendez and Claire grows, Carly and Shaun seem less stable and Morgan faces a real problem.
Someone once said that for every person you steal from death, they take one personal to you. Claire learns that lesson this episode.
A new chief of surgery comes about, and his style disrupts Shaun’s life as much as a talkative guy when Dr. Glassman gets chemotherapy.
The mid-season finale is all about building anticipation as people die left and right and you wonder, will a main cast member be written off?
Present and future relationships are being established and tested as people take leaps or push some out of their comfort zone.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.