1. Here! I actually did enjoy the Morgan/Park-storyline this episode – it was neatly tied into the general theme of gender roles and expectations, albeit it reversed the traditional roles of mating with Park was seeking attachment and exclusiveness while Morgan was aggressive and promiscuous.

    This episode also answered why Morgan did fall for Park in the first place: she is very much into muscular bodies and man that do a manly job– as alluded to before with her enjoying treat (and watch) the firefighter in 4.03 “Newbies” and the hook-up with an American Football player mentioned in 4.05 “Fault”.

    With the MMA fighter Morgan got almost as bushy-tailed as Asher once she had laid her eyes on him, beaming to stick a hilariously large needle into his breast. Fiona Gubelmann’s delivery of Morgan’s disappointment when the fearless fighter freaked out was priceless – still holding the large syringe that effortlessly can be read as a phallic icon on behalf of the female character in this context.

    So, it’s Park’s martial arts-styled body and his past as a cop what got Morgan into the hay with him, reenforced by her taking a picture of his body for private and further use (again, this is behavior traditionally attributed to men). Unfortunately, Park wants to put this part of his life behind him, because it did cost him his marriage and his family. Park wants to be seen as an doctor, a stable and dependable partner – thus the picture of him reading Proust…

    Morgan and Park have reached a crossroad now. It will be interesting if they find common ground again or if this was just a phase for the characters defining their individual requirements in their future romantic relationships (as far as the show would be willing to allocate time to that).

  2. Hi Amari! Just me right now? Then I will use this opportunity to comment on a past review of yours first. It is from Season 4, Episode 12, about the older surgeon whom Shaun diagnosed as having ASD. Your review of that episode, specifically the sections focusing on that surgeon and the comparisons to Shaun, was beautiful and the best review you have ever written! In fact, I was more moved by your review then by the episode itself!! Well done, Amari, well done!!!!

    Now on to this episode. Compared to the previous episodes, I found it kind of dull. Maybe that’s because the writers insist on dragging out and giving prominence to the Alex and Morgan storyline. Like you, I’m not entertained either! I can’t tell you how much I agreed with every part of that last section of your review! I know you don’t control the scoring, but I chuckled at the 72% given to “The Morgan x Alex Situation”. I think their storyline deserves a score in the low 30’s!

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